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Now that was strange

Now that was strange

An interruption to a post-game interview.

What was with that?


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Oddly, I realized last night that until some of the interviews after the SuperBowl, I had never heard QB Wilson speak before.

Is that possible ?

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | February 3, 2014 at 12:09 pm

Oddly enough, having a Truther crash the post game press conference was ironic. The Broncos team wasn’t prepared for the crowd noise and how to deal with it and the Seahawks weren’t prepared for sudden celebrity.

What ever happened to that old Boy Scout motto: “Be Prepared?” Anyone? Come on people, what’s the f#%$ing answer?

Henry Hawkins | February 3, 2014 at 1:02 pm

Maybe that guy is a former NFL player, retired due to multiple concussions…

Super Bowl XLVIII had ‘the best security’ Obama & Christie could muster.

listingstarboard | February 3, 2014 at 2:15 pm

Even more strange was the word “PREPARE” in gigantic red letters that flashed instead of the USflag at halftime leading in to the Bruno Mars gig. WTH?

Where was that Rosie O’donnell?

With all the layers of security, Matthew Mills, independent journalist from Brooklyn, hopped on an employee bus to get to the stadium. Using an old festival credential pass around his neck to get into the press area, he told security he was late for work, and they waved him through.

I used the same ploy in the 1960s to get in free to the county fair. I learned the trick from a professional who advised, “Just look like you belong there.” It works nearly every time.

TrooperJohnSmith | February 3, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Meanwhile, 60,000 militarized po-lice ringed the stadium so tightly that fresh air was even delayed getting inside! The trouble with “security” is they look for the abnormal, the out of the ordinary.