I was cut off in traffic the other day by an oblivious and self centered texter. She was so bainless, selfish and dimwitted that I was tempted to get out of my truck and slap a OBAMA/BIDEN sticker on her bumper!
s/he is too exclusive. given all of the variations no offered on facebook, it should be she/he/it. the obvious contraction is left as an exercise for the reader.
I love it! It’s a shame that we can’t have them removed just as easily as this bumper sticker was stripped from it’s resting place.
I was cut off in traffic the other day by an oblivious and self centered texter. She was so bainless, selfish and dimwitted that I was tempted to get out of my truck and slap a OBAMA/BIDEN sticker on her bumper!
That is one of the most vile, despicable things that you could do to another person’s car….I wish I’d stocked up on Obama stickers!!
I would like to slap one on the back of Kay Hagan’s limo!
s/he is too exclusive. given all of the variations no offered on facebook, it should be she/he/it. the obvious contraction is left as an exercise for the reader.
Or maybe the obastard lover who put the sticker on sold the car to a non-obastard lover.