Fluke is in

Sandra Fluke Congressional testimony

Sandra Fluke — yes, that Sandra Fluke — is running for Congress for the seat being vacated by Henry Waxman:

Women’s rights activist Sandra Fluke appears to be moving forward with a run for Congress.Fluke has filed with the California state Democratic Party to seek its endorsement in the race for retiring Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-Calif.) seat, according to the state party Web site.A state party delegate confirmed to Post Politics that Fluke has filed and paid the fee to appear on the ballot this weekend.

The filing preserves her ability to run, but whether she mounts a vigorous campaign remains to be seen. If she can raise the money, and she should be able to, I see no reason she would not run.

Fluke is the perfect congressional candidate. An obsessive whiner and professional victim who expects government to subsidize everyday expenses, and who is willing to grossly exaggerate to make a political point.

Should be fun.

Bonus question: Could she be any worse than Waxman?

Update 2-5-2014: Fluke was in, now she’s out, but partially in again

Tags: 2014 Election, Sandra Fluke