“First They Came for the Hook-Up Culture” Week at College Insurrection

What have we done?

Hook-Up Culture insurrects:

If the bubble doesn’t get you, the Feds will:

Well, we’ll always have cheap home-brewed beer:

Study hard, and you too can be a success:

That’s okay, as long as they don’t come for the Hook Up Culture:

Come on, she didn’t mean it, like David Gregory and that illegal ammo magazine:

Cornell is number …. (in the business, that ellipsis is called a “tease”):

What, is she racist or something? (Read tonight’s Saturday Night Card Game)

I bet this guy also doesn’t cancel school for snow:

Trick question:

You can’t make this s–t up:

Let me guess, they taste like Tofurkey:

Prof. refuses to speak in class – why didn’t I think of that?

Nobody, and I mean Nobody, could have seen this coming:

His platform? Mess with faculty heads:

No insult to fast food workers intended:

The End:

Tags: College Insurrection