Just last night Neo mentioned how Wendy Davis, both herself and via a support group (the Lone Star Project), were challenging Greg Abbott’s courage.
Now James O’Keefe has just released an undercover video of another group supporting Davis, the supposedly unaffiliated voter registration group Battleground Texas, laughing at Abbott being in a wheelchair and wondering how that would play out in the campaign. O’Keefe reports (h/t Gateway Pundit):
While investigating Obamacare Navigators, Battleground Texas, and their connection to Obama’s Organizing for America, we caught some deeply offensive comments on tape.It seems Battleground Texas and Wendy Davis’ strategy to win the Governor’s seat is to mock Attorney General Abbott’s disability. We caught Davis supporters and Battleground Texas staff on tape making crude statement such as “isn’t that amazing to think of? He’s in a wheelchair and we want to stand with Wendy?”Even more disturbing was an election official who when asked about forging signatures covered her ears and then went on to admit, “People do that all the time.” A Battleground Texas volunteer then added, “I don’t think it’s legal but I didn’t hear you say that.”
Yes, of course Davis is not responsible for everything every supporter says, but Battleground Texas is a key part of her campaign strategy, part of the Turn Texas Blue project.
This video does seems to fit in with the culture surrounding Davis’ campaign, brought into the open by her attacks on Abbott after the Dallas Morning News exposed her personal narrative.
Via PJ Tatler: Today, the Abbott campaign released a statement on the video.
AUSTIN – Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott today released the following statement regarding the release of Project Veritas’ video featuring Battleground Texas and Sen. Wendy Davis’ campaign:“The content of the video denigrating the disabled is unworthy of our great state. Despite the distraction, I will continue my efforts to help all Texans rise in life and achieve their dreams. I will be a Governor who fights for all Texans – for children, small business owners, families, and entrepreneurs – a Texas that includes all.“That’s exactly what I have been doing – while in a wheelchair. I’ve fought for more and better jobs, I’ve defended Texas and taxpayers from an overreaching federal government, I’ve protected children from predators to keep our communities safe, and I’ve successfully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court to defend Texas values.“It’s that demonstrated ability and character that motivated Texans to elect me to statewide office five times. My service is a reminder of what Texans can achieve, regardless of their circumstances. Texans know that I will continue to fight for the greatness of Texas.”
(Featured Image Source: Battleground Texas homepage Image 1-23-2014)