Yikes – Battleground Texas supporters of Wendy Davis laugh at Greg Abbott being in wheelchair (Updates)
Fits in with the culture surrounding Davis’ campaign

Just last night Neo mentioned how Wendy Davis, both herself and via a support group (the Lone Star Project), were challenging Greg Abbott’s courage.
Now James O’Keefe has just released an undercover video of another group supporting Davis, the supposedly unaffiliated voter registration group Battleground Texas, laughing at Abbott being in a wheelchair and wondering how that would play out in the campaign. O’Keefe reports (h/t Gateway Pundit):
While investigating Obamacare Navigators, Battleground Texas, and their connection to Obama’s Organizing for America, we caught some deeply offensive comments on tape.
It seems Battleground Texas and Wendy Davis’ strategy to win the Governor’s seat is to mock Attorney General Abbott’s disability. We caught Davis supporters and Battleground Texas staff on tape making crude statement such as “isn’t that amazing to think of? He’s in a wheelchair and we want to stand with Wendy?”
Even more disturbing was an election official who when asked about forging signatures covered her ears and then went on to admit, “People do that all the time.” A Battleground Texas volunteer then added, “I don’t think it’s legal but I didn’t hear you say that.”
Yes, of course Davis is not responsible for everything every supporter says, but Battleground Texas is a key part of her campaign strategy, part of the Turn Texas Blue project.
This video does seems to fit in with the culture surrounding Davis’ campaign, brought into the open by her attacks on Abbott after the Dallas Morning News exposed her personal narrative.
Via PJ Tatler: Today, the Abbott campaign released a statement on the video.
AUSTIN – Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott today released the following statement regarding the release of Project Veritas’ video featuring Battleground Texas and Sen. Wendy Davis’ campaign:
“The content of the video denigrating the disabled is unworthy of our great state. Despite the distraction, I will continue my efforts to help all Texans rise in life and achieve their dreams. I will be a Governor who fights for all Texans – for children, small business owners, families, and entrepreneurs – a Texas that includes all.
“That’s exactly what I have been doing – while in a wheelchair. I’ve fought for more and better jobs, I’ve defended Texas and taxpayers from an overreaching federal government, I’ve protected children from predators to keep our communities safe, and I’ve successfully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court to defend Texas values.
“It’s that demonstrated ability and character that motivated Texans to elect me to statewide office five times. My service is a reminder of what Texans can achieve, regardless of their circumstances. Texans know that I will continue to fight for the greatness of Texas.”
(Featured Image Source: Battleground Texas homepage Image 1-23-2014)

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Surprise, Surprise. Democrats who pretend to be for the less fortunate are making fun of them behind their back.
Who would have thought.
I recall lefties making fun of Trig Palin on several occasions.
I believe that includes Barack Obama also.
I believe he fears he is one.
Unfortunately, the lesson they’re going to take away from this isn’t “Don’t do illegal things.” It’s going to be “Don’t get caught talking about doing illegal things on camera.”
That’s very Cardassian. It almost matches Garak’s lesson on the boy who cried wolf: “never tell the same lie twice.”
Never write if you can speak.
Never speak if you can nod.
Never nod if you can wink.
Screw Abbott.
He didn’t “stand up” for infanticide rights.
I see what you did there. Nicely done.
Democrats do not care who are their voters. Illegal aliens, the dead, cats, underage children, fictional characters are all valid for Democrat registration.
I have voted _once_ for a Democrat, Jimmy Carter. Yes I was young and foolish. ‘How young?’ you might ask. Sixteen. Only one of the Democrats at the poling place complained. The rest of them there told him to shut up and that they would register their cat and have it vote if they could.
With all the clear voting fraud the Democrats engage in, I am sure I will vote Democrat once while I am alive and every election thereafter when I am dead.
So what you are saying so is that Wendy Davis has won over the dead as a door nail Republican cross over their grave vote.
I guess there ought to be a bumper sticker that says “Zombies and dead Republicans endorse Wendy Davis for Governor.”
There are some really sick people in this world.
And the worst part is that we can’t use the Old Yeller solution on ’em even though they’re more dangerous.
Now Wendy Davis has decided to pivot to gun “rights”. Of course, she comes off as someone who doesn’t even know what Texas gun laws are. It will not help her. She is also claiming that she is considering getting a concealed carry. WTH? She has a license to practice law in Texas, she is a sitting Texas senator, she has been traveling for years not only to night time events for the Fort Worth City Council but also to and from Austin, supposedly alone. Why didn’t she get a CCL prior to now if it is a priority for her? Was there something that would have prevented her from getting a CCL before?
Davis is done. Stick a fork in her.
She’s so Done, her Turkey Pop-Up Timer has burst through her head.
If Abbott really wanted to stick it to Wendy, he should just release this yearbook photo of her:
Yikes. I wonder if Wendy’s sucker of a second husband also picked up the tab for all of her plastic surgery?
Heck, and she got married twice?!?!?!
She did some serious augmentation on Davis’s dime.
In the current pix, her breasts are 19 with the aid of silicone or saline solution.
The first clue? Look at the upper breast line in the younger picture of the older Wendy. Unaugmented women don’t have that line because our breast doesn’t stand up and salute like that in our 50’s unless we’re wearing an ill fitting bra that is seriously adjusted to pull up the breast. The sign of that bra adjustment would be visible on the indented strap-line on the shoulder. None of that there. Instead, her puppies are sitting all the way up and almost begging.
The second clue? Look at her chest relative to the size of her breasts. The only way a woman with a chest looking that flat would produce puppies presenting arms like that is if she’s wearing a stuffed and padded bra or augmented her puppies from a chihuahua to a rottweiler.
Lifting weights won’t give you breasts like that… just take a look at the female lifters.
The disparity between chest arms & stand alone breasts is even more magnified on the dead.
Post puppy trauma syndrome.
I remember the look on Obama’s face when he was having the interview with the Texan TV reporter.
Obama said casually that he almost won Texas , to which the reporter said – no you lost by over 10% The look on his face was Obama grade venom. .
Hence his fans in Texas & DNC were so humiliated for their master .this is result of years of seething.
For the ESL folks out there, the idiomatic preface to the response of the TV reporter would be: “the hell you didn’t!”
Likely, the reporter got fired or investigated by the iRS.
If it had been Hillary, the reporter would be deceased.
When John East ran for the Senate in NC 30+ years ago, he managed to keep his disability virtually secret until after the election.
These people are disgusting and sick. They are not real Americans in any sense of the word.
I’m guessing either many people here don’t know who James O’Keefe is or they’re just buying the BS he’s feeding them again. It’s pathetic that this video is the one getting all the attention yet the video of the raw footage isn’t getting any. It doesn’t take but just a few seconds to completely discredit this video just by doing a simple comparison. In this video at the 1:28 mark you notice the timestamp of 19:12:12 but in the raw footage video at the same time stamp there is no woman talking. Then notice how he places audio of the man laughing after the woman says he’s in a wheelchair at time timestamp 2:47:13. Notice how O’Keefe conveniently goes to pictures of Abbott while the disparaging words are being put in there rather than let the raw video play out? This is what he does to make the viewers receive a completely different message…. the one James O’Keefe and his handlers want you to receive.
While I don’t really know what Lisa Wortham was getting at nor did I agree with her words when talking about the comparison between Davis and Abbott, watching the entire video puts into context what was said. Nobody was mocking ANYONE in the raw footage video! Also, for those of you who don’t know “Stand for Wendy” came during her standing in the 11 hour filibuster in June 2013. Greg Abbott didn’t announce his run for Gov until July 15, 2013. Just wanted to make that clear before any of you decided to spread the rumor that her campaign slogan was done intentionally just to be an asshole!
But hey! Be against Wendy all you want just know that when you spread blatant lies about her, you’re just causing more people to vote for her!