For those of you who actively research news stories and other information online, you’ll find Twitter’s latest search enhancements to be a useful development.
The social media platform tweeted this afternoon that it is adding filters to its search functionality that provide the ability to sort results by photos, videos, news and more. It also allows you to sort by people to show you who is tweeting about the search topic in which you’re interested – helpful for finding good news sources on a particular topic.
You can also sort results to show only tweets by “people you follow.” (Though I seem to recall seeing the “people you follow” filter – and perhaps maybe another filter or two – showing up as an option on my search results earlier, but I could be wrong).
As pictured above, the filters are now located together along the left side of the interface when your search results are displayed. And the new enhancements also make the advanced search capability easier to locate.
I tried it out myself this afternoon on the web version of Twitter and have found it to be useful and convenient. (I haven’t tried on a mobile app yet, so I can’t confirm whether or not it’s been rolled out there as well).
If you’re a Twitter user, try it out. I think you’ll find the new filters and changes helpful additions as a research tool. Or just if you’re a social media/news junkie.

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