To defend Chris Christie

When it comes to Chris Christie and Bridgegate, there is, as National Journal points out, a lot of “he’s getting what he deserves” attitude among Republicans.

I get that. Christie likes to stick his finger in other Republicans’ eyes. He unfairly demonized Republicans upset that the Sandy Relief bill was stuffed with unrelated pork.

Christie’s figurative wet, sloppy tongue kiss with Obama just before the election was dispiriting (and gross!).

I get all that, and I can’t really blame people for enjoying watching him twist in the liberal media windstorm, as they seek to take him out of the 2016 race.


I’m also not comfortable with the Republican rush to pile on before Christie had a chance to explain himself, and before the facts were known.

If Christie lied in his press conference yesterday, he’s toast. You won’t need to pile on.

But joining the media madness before Christie had a chance to defend himself was short-sighted.

Whether it was the false and defamatory supposed connection of Sarah Palin to the Gabby Giffords shooting, or the media frenzy over Mitt Romney’s (now vindicated) comments about Benghazi, there is no Republican immune from the media mob. Only Democrats are immune.

With regard to Palin, I wrote:

It does not matter whether you support Palin for President, whether you think she is electable, or even whether you like her. This is not about Palin, it is about the mainstream media’s desire to have Barack Obama re-elected at any cost and to take down any Republican candidate who stands in the way.

Substitute Hillary for Obama in that sentence.

This is not about Chris Christie. It’s about any number of other Republican candidates who will be met with the same faux-outrage and media-led obsession a year from now as the 2016 field begins to define itself.

Don’t feed the beast.

Tags: Chris Christie