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100 House Reps already have signed onto letter denouncing anti-Israel academic boycott

100 House Reps already have signed onto letter denouncing anti-Israel academic boycott

Is your Rep on this list? If not, contact his or her office TODAY.

For background, see my prior posts:

The letter will be finalized tomorrow morning as the House goes into recess Friday and many members leave tomorrow afternoon.  The letter is being coordinated through the offices of Representatives Peter Roksam (R) and Ted Deutch (D).

With the crush of business before the recess, it’s hard to get the attention of Representatives.

Is your House Representative on the list of signatories? If not, now is the time to reach out to their offices and find out why not TODAY.

You can find your Representative and office contact information here: Find Your Representative.

Here is the current list:

UPDATE, list closes 9 a.m. Eastern, Thursday, so if your Rep has not signed by then, too late.

House Signatories as of January 15, 2014, 5 p.m. (124)

Bachmann, Michele
Bachus, Spencer
Bilirakis, Gus M.
Braley, Bruce L.
Bridenstine, Jim
Brown, Corrine
Brownley, Julia
Campbell, John
Castor, Kathy
Chabot, Steve
Cicilline, David N.
Coffman, Mike
Cohen, Steve
Collins, Doug
Connolly, Gerald E.
Cook, Paul
Costa, Jim
Davis, Rodney
Delaney, John K.
DelBene, Suzan
Dent, Charles W.
DeSantis, Ron
Deutch, Theodore E.
Duncan, Jeff
Engel, Eliot
Fleming, John
Foster, Bill
Frankel, Lois
Franks, Trent
Gabbard, Tulsi
Garcia, Joe
Gardner, Cory
Gerlach, Jim
Gohmert, Louie
Grayson, Alan
Green, Gene
Griffin, Tim
Grimm, Michael G.
Hastings, Alcee L.
Higgins, Brian
Holding, George
Holt, Rush
Hudson, Richard
Hultgren, Randy
Israel, Steve
Johnson, Bill
Joyce, David P.
Keating, William R.
Kelly, Mike
Kennedy III, Joseph P.
Kilmer, Derek
King, Peter
Kinzinger, Adam
Kuster, Ann M.
Lamborn, Doug
Lance, Leonard
Langevin, James R.
Lankford, James
Larson, John B.
Latham, Tom
Latta, Robert E.
Levin, Sander M.
Lipinski, Daniel
Lowenthal, Alan S.
Lowey, Nita M.
Lynch, Stephen F.
Maloney, Carolyn B.
Marino, Tom
Matsui, Doris O.
McCollum, Betty
McGovern, James P.
Meadows, Mark
Meehan, Patrick
Meeks, Gregory W.
Meng, Grace
Messer, Luke
Murphy, Patrick
Nadler, Jerrold
Nunes, Devin
Nunnelee, Alan
Pascrell Jr., Bill
Pearce, Steve
Peters, Gary C.
Peters, Scott H.
Pierluisi, Pedro R.
Pocan, Mark
Polis, Jared
Pompeo, Mike
Quigley, Mike
Reed, Tom
Rokita, Todd
Roskam, Peter J.
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana
Royce, Ed
Salmon, Matt
Schakowsky, Janice D.
Schiff, Adam B
Schneider, Bradley S.
Schock, Aaron
Schwartz, Allyson Y.
Schweikert, David
Sensenbrenner, Jim
Sessions, Pete
Shea-Porter, Carol
Sherman, Brad
Shimkus, John
Sires, Albio
Smith, Christopher H.
Stivers, Steve
Swalwell, Eric
Tiberi, Patrick J.
Titus, Dina
Upton, Fred
Van Hollen, Chris
Vargas, Juan
Veasey, Marc A.
Walberg, Tim
Walorski, Jackie
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Waxman, Henry A.
Weber Sr., Randy K.
Wilson, Frederica S.
Yoder, Kevin
Yoho, Ted S.


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to the full extent allowed by law.


Sent a polite email to Cong. Bobby Rush yesterday. No response.

I sent mine last week. No response, but has now signed! George Holding(R) NC D-13.

While I denounce any boycott of academic institutions or scholars, let me be very clear that I find this petition to the GOVERNMENT regarding a denunciation of what is ostensibly (though I’m sure the government has it’s ties via the moneybag) a private association’s ill-thought stance on boycotting academics for perceived wrongs by the Israeli GOVERNMENT, to be highly ironic. It’s asking political people to condemn people for political stances.

You know we all love this word, but I feel pressed to say it: Whatever.

    MaggotAtBroadAndWall in reply to Paul. | January 15, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    I gave you the thumbs up because that thought has crossed my mind, too. But the academic boycott is so obviously anti-academic freedom laced with veiled bigotry that I’m fine with the letter and am actually looking forward to see who chooses not to sign it in the end.

      I see the letter in part as a way to flush out who in the Congress is anti-Israel. I think we already know them but this will be useful confirmation.

      That thought crossed my mind too, but I have always tried to avoid the “let’s censure them because they boycott us” mentality. But it will indeed be very interesting to see how the chips fall.

Sent another reminder to Randy Hultgren (IL).

Another Voice | January 15, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Just when you think the current administration and the democratic party, esp. in red and purple states, can’t become any more vindictive and punitive, they do something more to top it. This is right up there in the top 10. What we know from 2012, it’s going to get worse before it get’s better. They’re running scared into 2014 mid-terms. Eric Holder is leading the way and giving them incentives to do so.

I almost never agree with my Rep. However he’s listed as having signed the letter, so this time I sent a thank you note.

Fair is fair, and when a Congress-critter does the right thing we should let them know.