Low information artist tries to cash in on Zimmerman success

Anti Zimmerman E Bay painting Michael D'Antuono

The painting above is, or was, available on Ebay, and was catching on after George Zimmerman’s famous art success.It portrays George Zimmerman as a hooded Klansman executing Trayvon.At this point, people like that artist are beyond hope. He obviously didn’t watch the trial and is unfamiliar with the actual facts of the case.  Or doesn’t care about the facts.Via Mediaite, Anti-Zimmerman Artwork Pulled Down by eBay as Zimmerman’s Painting Sells for $100K:

If George Zimmerman can sell his first-ever painting for more than $100,000 on eBay, why shouldn’t another artist be able to sell his anti-Zimmerman piece for a fraction of that price?On the same day that Zimmerman’s auction closed, eBay reportedly yanked a piece by artist Michael D’Antuono …. D’Antuono explained the situation on his blog:

On the same day that George Zimmerman closed his ebay auction of his painting for over $100,000, the online auctioneers removed my anti-racism painting inspired by the Zimmerman case, “A Tale Of Two Hoodies” for being “hateful or discriminatory.” While Zimmerman was allowed to capitalize on his ill-gotten notoriety, I was denied the opportunity to raise funds to help the very foundation named in honor of Zimmerman’s victim.

The artist went on to say that the bidding on his piece had just passed the $25,000 mark on day two of its auction, with half of the proceeds going to The Trayvon Martin Foundation. According to an email the artist received from eBay, items “promoting or glorifying hatred, violence, or racial or religious intolerance aren’t allowed.” The email specifically referenced the “images or icons associated with the KKK” in his piece.

“In my opinion, any policy that allows a murderer to profit from his crime, but deems art that speaks out against racial injustice and benefits it’s victims ‘hateful and discriminatory’ needs to be reevaluated,” D’Antuono wrote.

This notice was posted on D’Antuono’s Facebook Page:

EBay notice to Michael D'Antuono re Trayvon Painting

He had been trying to hawk the same image since during the trial, but apparently had no buyers until George cashed in on his own painting. From D’Antuono’s Facebook Page:

I wonder who he voted for (yeah, he’s that guy):

From his birth certificate to Benghazi, the right have been trying to “crucify” President Obama with endless campaigns of accusations and hate mongering. That’s why I created what has become the most controversial painting of the new millennium, “The Truth.” You can buy a poster of this historic piece at http://artandresponse.com/prints.html … without proof of birth.

Actually, I’m on his side on this one.  eBay shoppers should be permitted to buy propaganda.  This still is a (somewhat) free country.

Tags: George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin