It takes a Potemkin Village to declare Mission Accomplished on Obamacare

Yesterday the Obama administration declared Mission Accomplished on the website.

But the mission that was accomplished was something of a Potemkin Village — the “front end” has been improved to a lower level of failure. Taking the glass half-full approach, 80-90% of users will be able to use the website.

But that’s just the appearance side of the story. The “back end” still doesn’t work right and much of the system hasn’t even been built yet.

Add to that the sticker shock not only from premiums, but from outsized deductibles, and the declaration of Mission Accomplished is worthy of the Tsars and Tsarninas.

Here are some other historical references which may apply:

The website apparently processed 100,000 applications, although with the funny math used to define an “enrollee” it’s hard to know what that really means. In any event, that is 700,000 short of the goal and at that rate it would take years to enroll all who need to be.

(Featured Image source: The Key to Catherine’s Glory)

Update:  Reader Bruce sends along his previous post along simlar — but more technical — lines, Obamacare and the Potemkin Website.

Tags: Obamacare