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Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Barring BIG BREAKING NEWS, this will be our last post of 2013.

Sit back and enjoy A.F. Branco’s collection of Legal Insurrection 2013 cartoons.


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*First Post Of The Last Legal Insurrection Thread Of The Year!

Happy New year to the Prof and the LI team!

And thanks to the prodigious A.F. Branco for his brilliant toons! Great compilation.

Happy New Year to all.

Here’s to turning things around and saving the country this year.

Get out there and educate the youth. They will be motivated if they realize how screwed they are.

Happy New Year and Thank you to Prof. Jacobson and the daily contributors with their ability to capture and present the news and issues that matter with clarity and non-bias. A thank you for ending 2013 with the political satire of Mr. Branco which your followers always enjoy, (and pass around in their emails) all year long. It’s a perfect exclamation !!!! to end 2013. All be safe and see you back here in 2014.

We sure appreciate you Prof. Your blog is always at the top of my list.

Happy New Year Everyone!

God bless. ~:)

Happy new year to everyone here.
hope 2014 will see the media do their job

Happy New Year to the best blog team on the internet and to the wonderful folks who visit and comment here. I spent a good part of 2013 here and plan on more of the same in 2014.

Happy New Year to Prof. J and all at LI! Here’s hoping that 2014 will be a year of real change for the better ~

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | December 31, 2013 at 10:16 pm

HaPpY NeW YEaR!!!

Party like it’s 1984!!!!

Oops! 2014.

“NSA Toolbox Catalog;
Apple Denies Working With NSA on iPhone Backdoors;
NSA Reportedly Has Total Access To The Apple iPhone;
Der Spiegel online reported iSpy: How the NSA Accesses;

“In January 2010, numerous homeowners in San Antonio, Texas, stood baffled in front of their closed garage doors. They wanted to drive to work or head off to do their grocery shopping, but their garage door openers had gone dead, leaving them stranded. No matter how many times they pressed the buttons, the doors didn’t budge. The problem primarily affected residents in the western part of the city, around Military Drive and the interstate highway known as Loop 410.

Fault for the error lay with the United States’ foreign intelligence service, the National Security Agency, which has offices in San Antonio. Officials at the agency were forced to admit that one of the NSA’s radio antennas was broadcasting at the same frequency as the garage door openers. Embarrassed officials at the intelligence agency promised to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, and soon the doors began opening again.

It was thanks to the garage door opener episode that Texans learned just how far the NSA’s work had encroached upon their daily lives.

“NSA Intercepts Packages to Install Bugs

“The NSA does not stop there. The Verge reports NSA intercepts laptops purchased online to install spy malware before routing to the customer.

“When TAO selects a computer somewhere in the world as a target and enters its unique identifiers (an IP address, for example) into the corresponding database, intelligence agents are then automatically notified any time the operating system of that computer crashes and its user receives the prompt to report the problem to Microsoft. An internal presentation suggests it is NSA’s powerful XKeyscore spying tool that is used to fish these crash reports out of the massive sea of Internet traffic.

“The automated crash reports are a “neat way” to gain “passive access” to a machine….

More good reading at

Great work, Mr. Branco.

Not content with the small size of its population in a sea of enemies multiplying like tribbles, Israel is offering to pass unborn babies through the fires of Molech: free abortions, starting in 2014.

How stupid can the Israeli government be? People want to kill you and you are helping them by aborting your future!

Happy New Year!

    Uncle Samuel in reply to Juba Doobai!. | January 1, 2014 at 6:47 am

    This will diminish, if not defeat, Israel. Israel has already allowed Tel Aviv to become a ‘gay’ mecca.

    G-D cannot be mocked.

    G-D’s Commandments are not optional. They cannot be broken or repealed. We only break ourselves when we attempt to break G-D’s Laws.

theduchessofkitty | January 1, 2014 at 12:12 am

Happy New Year, everyone!

Now, it’s less than an hour for us here in Houston.

NC Mountain Girl | January 1, 2014 at 12:48 am

It is indeed a Happy New Year. Yesterday saw several injunctions barring HHS from issuing fines againts parties who fail to comply with the Obamacare contraceptive mandate, including one signed by Justice Sotomayor in Little Sisters of the Poor v Sebelius.

Henry Hawkins | January 1, 2014 at 12:53 pm

Happy Hogmanay! (wishes the child of Scottish immigrants).

A bit late, but nonetheless, Happy New Year one and all. May this year be one of many achievements.