George Zimmerman’s girlfriend wants to drop charges

I told you there were problems with the most recent arrest of George Zimmerman allegedly for pointing a shotgun at his girlfriend, when it came out that the girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, was shopping for a paid interview prior to the incident.

Now, according to court filings (embedded at bottom of post), Sheibe wants to drop the charges. Via Orlando Sentinel:

George Zimmerman’s girlfriend — who authorities said accused him of pointing a shotgun at her — no longer wants him to be prosecuted, and wants to resume their relationship, according a new motion.A sworn statement made by the girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, was attached to a motion by Zimmerman’s lawyer seeking to modify the conditions of Zimmerman’s bond in his domestic violence case.In the statement, Scheibe says she felt “intimidated” when police questioned her about the Nov. 18 incident that led to Zimmerman’s arrest. She adds that she “may have misspoken.””I want to be with George,” Scheibe says in the statement, adding later: “I do not want George Zimmerman charged. I make this decision freely, knowingly and voluntarily,” and without coercion, she says.She says that she and Zimmerman had an “argument,” but Zimmerman “never pointed a gun at or torward my face in a threatening manner.”

The original 911 call (language warning):

Here’s the text of the Affidavit Scheibe filed:

I, Samantha Scheibe do hereby swear that the following is true and accurate:1. On November 18,2013, I called 911 during an argument with my boyfriend, George Zimmerman.2. We were arguing over personal matters, and I was very overwhelmed and upset at the time.3. When I was being questioned by the police I felt very intimidated. I was not allowed to call an attorney nor was I allowed to eat or drink anything for a very longtime. I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to the police. I do not feel that the arrest report accurately recounts what happened.4. There were guns in the residence that belonged to George and a gun that belongs to me.5. During the argument, George and I exchanged words l.u. the heat of the moment and we were in very close proximity in a relatively small room. George never pointed a gun at or toward my face in a threatening manner.6. I want to be with George. I contacted George’s attorney to ask if there was any way that the stay away order can be lifted so that we can talk and be together. I am not afraid of George any manner and I want to be with him.7. I do not want George Zimmerman charged. I make this decision freely, knowingly and voluntarily, without any intimidation coercion or undue influences. Neither George Zimmerman nor anyone on his behalf bas threatened me or coerced me or subjected me to any undue influences.Further, I request that the Seminole County State Attorney’s Office not be allowed to harass me because I do not wish to take part in any prosecution.

George Zimmerman Motion to Modify Bail 12-9-2013

Tags: George Zimmerman