Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco
government debt
perpetual congressman
deficit spending
open borders
quantitative easing
IRS assault team
Benghazi liars
inflated entitlements
high unemployment
zero interest CD’s
White House lobbyists
closed negotiations
But Michelle warned us that Barack would never let us go back to our lives as usual.
“I am sorry *___________, I’m not going to be put into a situation based on the sorry-assed assurances you have given me”
Are you referring to the sorry ass next to him?
The shifty-eyed donkey behind him looks worried…. 🙂
Ah, heck, Branco forgot to list these excellent suggestions:
* Country
* Life
Fill in the_________, Doug.:)
Really like your cartoons, dude. Great stuff.
Um, “Previous President” ???? Heck, I didn’t even like him that much, but he was a heck of a lot better than what we have now.
The corollary works as well:
If you hate your …. we’ll get rid of it/them
government debt
perpetual congressman
deficit spending
open borders
quantitative easing
IRS assault team
Benghazi liars
inflated entitlements
high unemployment
zero interest CD’s
White House lobbyists
closed negotiations
Excellent cartoon Mr. Branco, really hits them in the gut over the many broken promises of this president!
For Democrats and progressives it is,
“if you like your STUPIDITY you can keep it.”