Anti-Israel academic boycott “a chance to mobilize people and expose the lies”

I was a guest last week on the John Batchelor show on WABC radio in NYC, co-hosted by Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

I spoke about the anti-Israel academic boycott resolution passed by the American Studies Association, and the broader attack on Israel on campuses.

The quote in the title is from Hoenlein (at 11:20)

“This I think is such a clear case, and as he rightfully points out, it’s a case of discrimination and boycott, that it’s a chance to mobilize people and expose the lies that are involved with this.”

That’s a point I’ve made before, The academic boycott of Israel is the hill to fight on.

Note: I refer to Prof. David Lloyd, one of the founders of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel as being at UC-San Diego. He actually works at UC-Riverside as of September 2013 and previously was at USC.

(Audio also available at The Lawfare Project website.)

(Featured Image: Oxford Student Jonathan Hunter shows Israeli flag as anti-Israel zealot George Galloway watches.)

Tags: American Studies Association, BDS, Israel, Media Appearance