Single payer support could hurt NY-23 Dem after Obamacare debacle

Martha Robertson is the Democratic candidate challenging Republican incumbent Tom Reed in NY-23, my home district.

We have highlighted Robertson many times before regarding her unsubstantiated fundraising claim that “GOP ops” tried to take down her website. Robertson’s campaign never has provided proof of that claim, leading to a fair amount of negative local television coverage and even national press attention.

The fundraising scandal, which I doubt is over, likely will be overshadowed by a much bigger problem: Robertson is a long-time and vocal supporter of mandates with the ultimate goal of single-payer.

In light of the Obamacare debacle, and the inability of the federal government even to set up a website portal, a complete federal government takeover of the health care system is a hard sell.

Some of Robertson’s speeches were captured on video.

Here are some excerpts where Robertson discussed her support for mandates, a government option and ultimately single payer:

Nationally, Democrats are being hurt badly by the Obamacare debacle.

Not surprisingly, Reed already has started to make Robertson’s support for single payer an issue:

When she indicates that she is not just supportive of Obamacare, but wants to go even further and support a single payer health care system in America — that’s more government, bigger government, more mandates that Washington, D.C. is going to be putting on our local and state governments.

Interestingly, as of this writing Robertson’s campaign website does not list single payer among her “priorities.” Perhaps her internal polling has told her it’s not a winning position in NY-23.

(Featured image and excerpts from pro-single payer videos released by Ithaca branch of Democratic Socialists of America)

Tags: Martha Robertson, Obamacare, Tom Reed (NY-23)