Sunday morning open

A brutal 12 hour drive yesterday round trip from Ithaca to JFK including wait/circle time has left me pretty much blitzed.  It was a Saturday, and we still needed to spend the trip fighting traffic jams in the NYC vicinity.  Why anyone would want to live that way is beyond me.

So I’m out of touch on what’s been happening the past 24 hours.

I did notice a few things this a.m.

Israel is rolling out the red carpet for French President Hollande, who saved the world from a really bad Iran deal, so far. Let’s see if it holds up.

This is possibly the most stupid article I’ve ever read, 12 Reasons Why Obama Is One of the Best Presidents Ever . In a make-believe fantasy world, the article is spot on:

3. He is for one race -the human race. In just a few short years, Obama’s professional achievements and continued demonstration of equality and integrity have done wonders for race relations. America has never been more unified as a people than it has been under the direct leadership of Barack Obama. Finally, the racial lines that have divided blacks and whites for decades seem to be narrowing.

Here’s a good example of reality, something I had hoped to write about for the Saturday Night Card Game last night but was not able to get to, via Fire Andrea Mitchell, San Francisco BatKid Miles Scott gets grief because he’s white.

The user for the featured image/tweet has taken her account private, but it lives on in Google Cache

Her response to complaints from “teabaggers” appears to have been lost in it’s original form, so this is all we have (via Fire Andrea Mitchell link: