Definition of Insanity Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 07:00am 14 Comments Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link From Brad: Saw this in Houston, TX. Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link DONATE Donations tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 14 14 Comments Bumper Stickers Tags: Bumper Stickers
Must have been someone from Austin.
I was in Cape May, NJ last weekend and saw a bumper sticker that said “I (heart) Obamacare.”
Wow! Just wow!
There was a Nurse that had that same sticker all last winter, at the hospital where the Missus works. We noticed that sometime around late spring or early summer she had taken it off her car. Sadly, too late for the rest of us.
The bottom line of that sticker should have read, “Screwed!”
In NJ totally expected. In Texas, at least the idiot is probably in the minority.
Yes. Delivering the crap sandwich we predicted…right into your laps.
Resistance is mandatory.
Heh. I wonder if this is how the Borg collective got started. I’d LOL if someone out there was working this into the Star Trek timeline. 🙂
Byron York@ByronYork
After huge expenditures, will require massive, expensive retooling. Bottom line: Obamacare could be defunding itself.
Some people just love slavery.
More accurate: Signed, sealed, debilitating
Signed, sealed, still unread by anyone who voted for it or anyone who thinks it’s a great idea.
Signed, sealed, delivering an inferior product at a much higher price. Better options outlawed.
Signed, sealed … bewildered … disfigured … beleaguered … ad nauseam …
Or, maybe it ought just be “de-livered” …
Delivering…no lube, sorry.
One might wonder if the Website service being delivered is a portent of the quality of healthcare service that will be delivered, no?