Tonight on Special Report with Bret Baier both Tucker Carlson and Charles Krauthammer were excoriating Cruz over the issue of Obamacare defunding. That’s fine.
If you think he’s wrong or foolish or whatever, make the case.
But as part of their arguments each brought up that Cruz was born in Canada. Carlson mentioning that there were questions as to whether Cruz could be president and Krauthammer joking that Cruz could be Prime Minister of Canada.
What did that have to do with anything? The topic was defunding Obamacare and Senate strategy.
.@TuckerCarlson @krauthammer What does Cruz being born in Canada have 2 do w Obamacare? Y bring it up tonight on @SpecialReport ?
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) September 23, 2013
.@Krauthammer: "@TedCruz can be PM of Canada" – yuck yuck – don't u have better arguments than that over Obamacare defunding?
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) September 23, 2013
You can make the case against Cruz’s tactics, if you want, without going where you went.
This was my 17,000th tweet ever, whatever numerological significance that holds:
FWIW @tedcruz eligible 2B president http://t.co/4SQ5pTEjlB cc: @TuckerCarlson @krauthammer
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) September 23, 2013
As much of a pain as it was to do the research, at least it’s out there: natural born Citizens: Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz.
Bookmark it. If tonight is any indication, you’ll need it for the 2016 Republican primaries.

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Rightscoop had a video of an interview that Bret Baier did with Cruz a while back, and I got the very distinct impression that Baier’s not too fond of Cruz either. He looked downright angry when he was interviewing him. Totally different when Megan Kelly had Cruz on her show. She has a lot of class. As to Krauthhammer and Carlson, neither one is a Conservative.
Professor, your legal analysis earlier of the Natural Born claim is outstanding, though I tend to disagree with some of the premises used in the argument, overall it was quite cogent. I would suggest sending a complimentary copy to Charles Krauthammer, and ask him, if after reading it, he still wants to yuck it up.
I forgot to mention that your tweets were very satisfying to read.
They’re trying to Palinize Cruz so he won’t seem a viable candidate in our eyes. Good luck with that.
Tucker Carlson, does he still wear those schoolboy bow ties? Why would Krauthammer be hanging around that guy? Carlson is still a Freshman in college, isn’t he?
Would love to see the video, I missed the show. But very happy that you Tweeted Professor.
17,000? It has a seven (7) in it and that is a lucky number! And the Tweet was in reference to Ted Cruz, so the luck will go to him as a future Presidential candidate. Right? Oh, and it had three zeros all in a row and it was an even number; both of those are two really great qualities that one would appreciate in any number, I think…
Yep, Juba they are.
I’ll say/type it before the Left AND the RINO’S do:
‘*I can see Canada, from my house*’
Well No Shit! I could as well from my birth place, Buffalo, NY. Walking distance to The Peace Bridge Canada/U.S. Border..
*In Sarah Palin’s case, she did NOT say alluding to Russia ‘I can see Russia from my house’ that!
So it is that one of the quotes most strongly associated with former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is the exclamation “I can see Russia from my house!” even though she didn’t actually utter that phrase during the campaign.
The basis for the line was Governor Palin’s 11 September 2008 appearance on ABC News, her first major interview after being tapped as the vice-presidential nominee. During that appearance, interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska“:
Two days later, on the 2008 season premiere of Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler appeared in a sketch portraying Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, during which Fey spoofed Governor Palin’s remark of a few days earlier with the following exchange:
FEY AS PALIN: “You know, Hillary and I don’t agree on everything . . .”
POEHLER AS CLINTON: (OVERLAPPING) “Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.”
FEY AS PALIN: “And I can see Russia from my house.”
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/politics/palin/seealaska.asp#805W3RPQgdTgAldx.99
Krauthammer/Carlson: Natural born Arse-holes.
I don’t think I have ever heard the deep thinkers, Krauthammer, Carlson, et al say what their strategy would be to deal with Obamacare. They oppose it, but also oppose direct action to stop it.
I heard the fool O’Reilly, and I mean that, whining this evening to Brit Hume, whom I do admire, that the Tea Party and Conservatives will hurt GOP chances in 2014 by forcing primary challenges. Sadly, Brit seemed to go along with that don’t rock the boat philosophy. Sorry to see that thinking, and I do admire Hume.
So, the Chattering Class are never happy with what the incumbent Republicans are doing, but close ranks against challengers; at least Conservative challengers.
I got sick of O’Reilly’s pandering [to every side that he could find] several years ago. Seems like Brit is now following suit, unfortunately… At least they got rid of that prick Shepard Smith, for the time being anyway.
Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
Nothing new, either.
Players on the inside want to “influence” who gets to lead the GOP. Maybe, they’d stick McCain in, if that wouldn’t cause them to be laughed off the stage.
Whatever influences you, I doubt it’s anything Tucker Carlson or Charles Krauthammer “sez.”
50 States. And, except for the bully Chris Christie … and Drudge’s pointing out today that taxes in New Jersey weren’t high enough, so Christie just tacked on another 13%.
Where do you go for news?
OH, RE SARAH PALIN. At Drudge, the other day, he headlined that she said: “I can see Putin’s footprint on Obama’s kiester, from my front porch, when I’m looking towards Russia.” (Sure, this is a take off on Tina Fey’s line.) I think the foot print shows.
I want Ted Cruz for president. I suspect there are a lot of other people starting to feel that way.
Tucker who?
They may not like him, but Sen. Cruz is filling a leadership vacuum in the GOP. He’s a gifted messenger. He makes sharp, cogent and clear arguments regarding a destructive Democrat party, the President and Obamacare. He also wont let himself be cowed by fake, insincere niceties about Senatorial courtesy. He punches back. It’s great to see that for a change.
If Sen. Cruz manages to “win” this battle – not war – that’ll give him a lot of power, which certain folks do not want him to have. But it’s their fault, no one else has been stepping forward, especially the President. Even Putin found himself becoming a “world leader” or “statesman”, because of the failure of our invisible, naked Emperor.
Well done Professor. Slouching towards conservatism is a full time job. You are cutting through the bulls!t admirably.
keep up the excellent work.
Thank You
Dr. K, Chatsworth Dingledorfer III (Carlson), and Brit Hume will not feel the effects of barrycare anywhere near what us working stiffs will. I guess they are all still hoping to get their statue in the RNC HOF. Maybe right next to that grumpy old fart McCain.
Who the @#$% asked them?
Ted Cruz is our future, not the Banana Republicans selling us out.
Dr K is usually awesome what critiquing the D’s, but when it comes to picking Republican candidates he invariably supports the most ‘moderate’.
I sometimes disagree with him but I respect him. I usually find him worth reading though even when I do disagree.
this type of stuff really surprised me, wondering if (for him) it was just a one off type of thing.
time will tell.
I consider him on the wrong side of conservatism often. he is eloquent and I like reading him but disagree with him too often to be a reliable pundit for conservative issues. he can be dangerous and leads many conservatives astray.
Sen Cruz is keeping Obamacare, the train wreck, out front and center. Win or lose he’s doing the necessary work that the political ruling class fails to do.
I find it particularly rich that, although he was born in New York City, Charles Krauthammer was raised in Montreal, and did his undergraduate work at McGill University there.
Dr. K? He’s a moderate, but I value his ability to read the political field with clarity. He is second only to Limbaugh on that.
Tucker Carlson? A parrot sans insight.
Cruz? He knows he will lose the current battle. He ran on a promise to fight Obamacare, as did many in Congress, and is excoriated by his entrenched peers *for honoring his campaign promise*. That tells me everything I need to know. Cruz is quickly expanding his political base of power with his current losing battle, and he has announced the onset of war against Obamacare. Fight on, Senator.
The sneering and contempt was disgusting. They were sure it was for Cruz’s personal gain as a spokesman for “we the people” types (which they apparently assume to be “LIV’s”). K&C were somehow certain it would harm the Republican party.
Krauthammer says when the other guy is committing suicide, get out of his way. Gee Chuck, how did that work for Romney in 2012? Quit fighting the last war (which you lost) and understand the times they are a changin’.
Messaging via blogs and you-tube is completely different, and can negate the DC/NYC centric big media propaganda ring. But we the people need a spokesman to speak “truth to power”, rather than just shutting up and hoping the LIV’s somehow figure out the message was a big lie.
Cruz has put the failures of Obamacare in the spotlight, and it is becoming clearer that “I will NOT NEGOTIATE” Obama is the problem, along with “we’ve already cut to the bone” Pelosi, and name calling liar Reid.
Someone has to stand up and draw out their ire and hate, forcing the rigid leftists to display their intolerance (along with McCain and his whackobird crap). This puts full blame for Obamacare on the left … and exposes their willingness to shut down government to force people (except special friends) into a disastrous law.
And if/since Obamacare is designed to fail, perhaps “suicide” is not what the left has in mind at all, but rather full government health care, as they have openly stated. Then under President Hillary, Krauthammer/Carlson, and their fellow clowns can stroke their chins and scold us, “just wait ANOTHER four years for the left to commit suicide”, as the left moves their long game agenda methodically along.
“They” say don’t fight a battle you can’t win”, but I remember Stormin Norman spending a month telling us of the big frontal assault, but they did the end run. By Cruz being vociferous and making the argument, he is drawing out Reid, Pelosi Obama into their “We Won’t Negotiate, We Will Shut Down Government over Obamacare” position of hateful intolerance.
Perhaps the end run is a delay to 2015, but in any case the pain of triple premiums will fall squarely on the left. When the left then presents government care as their alternative, the general public will know what incompetents they are and reject them. (I hope)
Boxing Metaphor Alert: My best wins were against higher ranked fighters to whom I was supposed to lose. No telling which way a fight may go – you have to fight to find out. The only guaranteed loss is a refusal to fight.
[…] We live in a bearded-Spock world, a world where Charles Krauthammer and Tucker Carlson yuk it up over Ted Cruz birtherism. […]
[…] Contrast that with the bet-hedging and consultation-begging we see from the GOP leadership. Here’s where my confession of populism comes in: I don’t recall ever having such a sense of revulsion against the air of protecting privileged insularity that hangs over Beltway insiders, both politicians and pundits. As we understand it, GOP leaders sent unsolicited “opposition research” to Fox News on Sunday, in order to undermine Cruz in his appearance with Chris Wallace. Karl Rove excoriated Cruz on the Sunday show for failing to properly “consult” with his colleagues. Tucker Carlson, Charles Krauthammer, and even Brit Hume took up the cry on Monday’s Special Report, accusing Cruz of grandstanding, and personalizing their criticisms of him to a startlingly petty degree. […]
[…] Contrast that with the bet-hedging and consultation-begging we see from the GOP leadership. Here’s where my confession of populism comes in: I don’t recall ever having such a sense of revulsion against the air of protecting privileged insularity that hangs over Beltway insiders, both politicians and pundits. As we understand it, GOP leaders sent unsolicited “opposition research” to Fox News on Sunday, in order to undermine Cruz in his appearance with Chris Wallace. Karl Rove excoriated Cruz on the Sunday show for failing to properly “consult” with his colleagues. Tucker Carlson, Charles Krauthammer, and even Brit Hume took up the cry on Monday’s Special Report, accusing Cruz of grandstanding, and personalizing their criticisms of him to a startlingly petty degree. […]
I quit reading Carlson’s trash dump the “Daily Crawler” after he published an article from Mike Tyson on how he would like to see his well endowed friend do some damage to Palin’s innards. This was so vile that I was in disbelief that anyone of the right could print such trash. He is trash and Krauthammer is getting a little long in the tooth from living in DC far too long. Both should be ashamed of what they said and Fox loses everyday that they allow them a voice.