From Rob in Jersey City:
I hope that all goes well — continued thanks for your continued excellent (in my humble opinion :)) work on the insurrection blogs.
My wife and I vacationed in the Outer Banks of NC and saw this SUV the owner of which appears to be a BIG bumper sticker fan. As you’ll notice, most were local in nature, but a few were conservative. Nothing earth-shaking or side-splitting, in my opinion, but if you’re looking for content… 🙂
I saw the “afraid of govt.” sticker AND a sticker saying “Don’t Steal — the government hates competition” on a more sparsely decorated vehicle, but took no photo, regrettably.
Best regards and good weekend.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Not so much red neck as read backside.
Come On, Huh! You forgot the charcoal grill, GEEZ!
It is good to see my people representing.
I like the one that says “I {heart} G.R.I.T.S*”
*Girls Raised In The South 🙂
We had a car like that in our borough. The State Police finally took a hard line as it was becoming a safety/visibility issue …! (In their defense, I was beginning to think the guy was going to plaster his windshield next, Ricky Bobby-style)
as long as there are side mirrors on both sides, visibility isn’t an issue, assuming the driver uses the mirrors, of course.
Well, THAT certainly raised the bar!
could’ve removed the identifying infformation
Biscuits n’ Porn… gotta love it.
This guy deserves an award of some sort
maybe a Legal Insurrection bumper sticker or something
the filter apparently ate my first try, but i lurve the “Biscuits n’ Pron” bumper sticker…
maybe the filter just doesn’t like the link? from the page:
In 1979 Helen Grandy, aka Miss Helen, first opened a small convenience/grocery store in a small yellow building. The pond in front of RiteAid marks the location of her first place in Kill Devil Hills. She started selling hot dogs and then bar-b-que to the workers from Stackhouse and the cable company. Little did she know that several decades later she would be such a hit with both locals and tourist alike. With construction of the current location, just a few hundred yards south of the first site, Miss Helen expanded into the biscuit world. These days the biscuits are made 20-40 at a time, each one hand rolled and cut. During the peak summer days, biscuits are being made about every 20 minutes throughout breakfast. In the early days, Miss Helen would make about 6 biscuits and 4 pieces of bacon a day. Today over 25 pounds of bacon and 200 biscuits are cooked each day…a long way from the beginning. Breakfast has now expanded into lunch, and Stop Quik has become a popular lunch deli. When asked why the food is so good, Helen says “it has to be, we eat here and we don’t want to eat bad food”. A simple business plan that works—good food and good service at a fair price.
Biscuits N’ Pron was born by the loyal locals that would refer to the store not as Stop Quik or Miss Helen’s but as “you know, that biscuit and pron place”. A local band even wrote a song called “Biscuits and Pron”. There has always been a rack of adult magazines in the store… “to each their own” as Helen would say. Over the years the selection has grown, as other stores have stopped offering them. So after some discussion, it was decided—mainly Helen saying “sure, but don’t make it Miss Helen’s Biscuits N’ Pron”.
These days Miss Helen has turned the day to day operation over to her youngest son, but she is still around every day making sure things are running smoothly. If you’re at the beach, stop in to say hi, grab a biscuit or join us for lunch, and pick up one of our famous t-shirts. We are here 7 days a week.
You know, I bet all that crap on the back of your car makes it speed-camera-proof. Computer won’t know which plate to read.
why can’t I get behind guys like this at red lights ..* SIGH * …pass the time reading on those long lights
Note the “No Bird” stickers. They read “Don’t Let the Island Go to the Birds” in reference to the National Audubon Society and the Defenders of Wildlife who sued to limit or prohibit Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) access to the beaches. The two groups succeeded in getting many prime fishing areas in the National Seashore Recreational Area closed to vehicles, damaging the local economies. Cape Point near the Cape Hatteras Light is closed to even pedestrian traffic for much of the summer to protect nesting sites for un-endangered birds. If you’re interested in helping good people on Hatteras Island, look on the OBPA and Preserve Beach Access sites for information on Senate bills that would limit beach closures.
Okay, the charcoal grill mounted on the back I can understand. Everything else is nuts.
I am proud of NC, lol.
(Since this is an Outer Banks, saltwater beach party truck, maybe the stickers are holding the rust bucket together).