Lake Mary Police in Florida say that George Zimmerman and his wife are blaming the other for being the aggressor in Monday’s incident in which Shellie Zimmerman called 911 to report that her estranged husband was threatening her and her father with a gun. Initial news reports on the incident were confused and murky yesterday, but as more details have become available, police have indicated that no gun was found at the scene or on George Zimmerman’s person.
Lake Mary Police Department spokesperson Zach Hudson told Legal Insurrection, “Nobody saw a gun, none of the witnesses saw a gun, no gun was taken, we didn’t find a gun.”
When asked about initial reports that a gun had been taken from George Zimmerman, Hudson said that statement came from him and it was an error. He further explained that the confusion came from the rush to try and answer media questions within minutes of personnel having arrived on the scene as they were still trying to gather all the details about the incident.
Police had not filed any charges Monday afternoon, as both sides declined to press charges. But police are still investigating the matter and will try to recover video taken from Shellie Zimmerman’s iPad, which was damaged in the incident.
“Absolutely, that is an important piece,” said Hudson when asked if recovering the iPad video was an important component to the department’s investigation. Shellie Zimmerman was apparently filming some of the incident from her iPad.
Shellie Zimmerman could be heard on the 911 call saying that George smashed the iPad. And while she also said on the call that George was threatening her and her father with a firearm, she later told police that she never saw a gun, according to the Associated Press:
Shellie Zimmerman, who has filed for divorce, initially told a 911 dispatcher that her husband had his hand on his gun as he sat in his car outside the home she was at with her father. She said she was scared because she wasn’t sure what Zimmerman was capable of doing. But hours later she changed her story and said she never saw a firearm, said Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell.
For the time being, “domestic violence can’t be invoked because she has changed her story and says she didn’t see a firearm,” Bracknell said.
On the 911 call, Shellie Zimmerman is sobbing and repeating “Oh my God” as she talks to a police dispatcher. She yells at her father to get inside the house, saying Zimmerman may start shooting at them.
“He’s threatening all of us with a firearm … He punched my dad in the nose,” Shellie Zimmerman said on the call. “I don’t know what he’s capable of. I’m really scared.”
She also said he grabbed an iPad from her hand and smashed it. Her father also declined to press charges, the police chief said.
Police officers could still build a case based on surveillance video from cameras outside the house and also video from the squad cars of officers who responded. Florida law allows police officers to arrest someone for domestic violence without the consent of the victim.
Police spokesman Zach Hudson said the estranged husband and wife were blaming each other for being the aggressor and that police officers were sorting through their accounts.
Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara said the incident between the parties was the result of “heightened emotions” as the couple works through the details of their divorce, according to the AP.
Mark O’Mara says that the dispute between George and Shellie Zimmerman at her father’s house was the result of heightened emotions from their ongoing divorce.
O’Mara says there may be have been some “pushing and touching” but George Zimmerman never punched his father-in-law.
Police spokesman Zach Hudson confirmed that both sides, both George Zimmerman and Shellie Zimmerman’s father, scuffled with one another.

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George is the person living in this house. His father-in-law is his landlord. Shellie moved out!
Her call to 911 has unraveled. George didn’t even have a gun. And, he was standing outside his truck, fully cooperative with the police, when they responded to her “domestic violence” phone call.
The day before, on Sunday, Shellie came over as she and George divided their property. Her coming back, yesterday, was UNscheduled.
There never was a gun used. George never even touched her father. His face showed no signs of violence. And, he refuses to sign a statement.
The police wanted the surveillance tape. And, Shellie and her father refused to allow it to be seen, when the police said they’d get a search warrant.
Yes, Shellie played her scene to the hilt. Mark O’Mara was also on the scene. He said it was a typical domestic dispute between divorcing couples.
I’m still wondering why MOM said GZ’s gun was under his shirt the whole time and he never touched it.
Cops sayng there was no gun whatsoever.
Also worth noiing, Shellie saw a blonde female in George’s truck, sitting in the passenger seat. Causing her to suck air on the police tape’s recording.
Shellie was NOT expected at the house.
George is the party who lives inside.
How did this case go so viral? Anything with the name George Zimmerman in it, is heard of the police wires, by reporters … and, that’s how the story went viral.
This is the second instance where Shellie lies to authorities. She lied to the judge at the bail hearing. (While George was in jail.) Can’t blame George.
And, she lied on the police tape … where she shouldn’t have been in George’s house at all! She came UNANNOUNCED. And, George kept calm.
Shellie’s marriage wasn’t long enough for alimony.
Yet she’s “shooting” for a piece of the NBC pie, when George’s lawsuit rolls into court. She wants a lot. Just don’t think her lawyer is all that good. And, poor George, having to deal with her during the whole ordeal of having to deal with the State of Florida, will end up picking up sympathy, here.
… and she grumped in that interview that he didn’t stand with her at her sentencing hearing.
Of course, that ignores the reality that this guy can’t even take a walk in public without being followed like a supermodel. Imagine the circus her hearing would have been if GZ had been there. He did her a favor and she responded by treating him like trash on the air.
It also seems possible to me that she may have not wanted him there because it would draw more attention and cameras to her in an unflattering situation.
Maybe she asked him not to go and has now turned that around to use against him – make him look callous.
um… err.. sorry…but who cares about this
Well, let’s see. You could go back through ALL the Zimmerman threads at LI, compile a list of all the posters on those threads, then count all the media reporters and lawyers on talk shows, and those interviewing them, find out what the audience numbers for those shows were, do a head count of the NBPP, get a count of trial attendees from the bailiff or clerk or whatever, add them altogether, and you will then have the answer to your burning question.
I care about it because the media can’t seem to get their facts straight. Plus some have actually slanted/fabricated the news about George Zimmerman.
Which causes me to wonder, What else are they getting wrong? Why should I believe anything they report on any subject?
What Miss Kitty said.
Speculating … people going through divorce sometimes threaten each other to gain leverage. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shellie has threatened George with going public with things he told her in confidence after the shooting / during the trial. Just a gut feeling I have – her behavior is odd since the trial – what with the interview and now this.
Shellie wants money. Attention=money.
She orchestrated the incident.
If someone really just came to pick up a few more things, why have your iPad video at the ready?
Shellie Zimmerman is making stuff up.
While George was in jail, the number one thing that surprised her were the number of donations coming into George’s defense fund.
In this divorce, where she’s not married long enough to collect any alimony, what she wants is a part of the proceeds George could win in court, because he’s suing NBC. NBC tampered with the police calls when this story went viral.
It’s possible Shellie also has a story to tell. But who will now pay her? Whatever she says will look conflicted enough that it won’t be the truth.
Take, for instance, here, she claims her dad got punched in the nose. (Straight out of George’s defense at trial.)
Her lawyer showed up pretty quickly at the scene, too. Maybe, he realized that the reporting of this news … look his client’s case off-track?
Messy divorce? George is willing to pay his father-in-law rent. What, if, up ahead, George is told that’s not a very good idea, and he should find another place to rent?
Will Shellie get in trouble for making a false call to 911? Or, with no one filing paperwork, the cops can’t file charges against her. Or against him. But, yes, we’re seeing “The Full Floriduh.” Whoopie.
“When asked about initial reports that a gun had been taken from George Zimmerman, Hudson said that statement came from him and it was an error. He further explained that the confusion came from the rush to try and answer media questions within minutes of personnel having arrived on the scene as they were still trying to gather all the details about the incident.”
This is the story. The PR person was putting out information based on speculation that was false in order to feed the media frenzy. IMHO, it puts the police department in a bad position for failing to be factual in making information public.
I forgot to mention that almost all national media continued to run with the initial sensational versions of the story through the early morning news casts this morning – even though, most of the story was already called into question within a few hours of the incident.
I don’t know that that’s provable at this point, meaning your point that the cops were trying to feed the media. It may have been an honest mistake based on an assumption. George has guns and he was living there. Where his guns are, I don’t know. Maybe he moved them off-site briefly since he knew Shellie was coming the day before and just hadn’t gone back yet to pick them up from wherever.
Shellie thought it was a safe bet that he had a gun so she lied – flat-out lied – to the cops to get them there fast to make a huge $cene and get George arrested. Now we know why neither she nor her dad would sign a formal statement. I hope she’s charged with filing a false report in relation to her claim about the weapon.
“He further explained that the confusion came from the rush to try and answer media questions within minutes of personnel having arrived on the scene as they were still trying to gather all the details about the incident.”
One group I work with on a daily basis are PIO officers for law enforcement (and other emergency responders). Across the board, it is inappropriate to put out information “within minutes” of a 911 call or officers arriving on the scene. At that time, all information is up in the air and must be verified. In short – everything you say at that time will be 99% wrong, therefore, the policy of every LEA is “no comment” until the basic set of facts are understood.
I’m also a bit curious about how quickly the 911 tape was put on air. Not sure about other jurisdictions, but out here 24 hours is the minimum time those tapes are held. If there are on-going questions about the investigation, then it can be up to a week. Of course, in this case it may have worked in Zimmerman’s favor to put a quick end to speculation about him possibly threatening his spouse or other family members when put together with the actual report that none of it happened.
I don’t know. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just not yet convinced that the Lake Mary PD acted out of malice toward GZ or a desire to be in the limelight or political considerations, meaning some of the motives why LEAs and the media lie the way they do. LMPD may just be unsophisticated and were overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of the situation – having sort of an “amateur hour” at the outset of the incident. The reason I’m hesitant to condemn them is that they came forward quite quickly and cleared the air fully on the subject of the gun. They continue to investigate, so they say, and want to be thorough in their documentation (said yesterday). Based on their actions so far, I can accept that as truth.
Going forward, we may see if and where any biases they have lay. For now, although I usually always agree with you, I can’t see what you’re seeing.
I spoke with the police spokesman. When I posed the conflicting statements to him to ask for clarification, he was very forthcoming in his answers and was more than willing to spend whatever time I needed to ask questions to make sure the details were correct. I did not get the sense at all that there was any malice at all to any initial misunderstandings or erroneous reports on their part. I agree they probably should have offered no comment until the details were all clear, but I honestly think the truth is that they were simply overwhelmed. He was very helpful when I spoke with him, for what it’s worth. Hope that perspective helps.
Obviously, George Zimmerman still has Trayvon Martin’s gun
Actually, Martin used his fists and his body, not a firearm.
Though I’m sure the thug would have used one if he had one, even though he was not of age to legally purchase one in Florida. Own one, have access to one, yeah, but not purchase.
And obviously this marriage’s breakup is in part due to George’s legal battles…battles that never should have happened. But did because of all those racists who see color, not behavior, only.
You have “racists” on the brain!
Correct me if I am wrong, but hadn’t Shellie left or moved out and George was staying in the apartment by himself the night that he killed, isn’t that correct? If so, then their marriage had serious problems long before George stood trial. George is not the patron saint of conceal carry!
Speaking of guns, yesterday MOM said GZ’s gun was holstered under his shirt and he never touched it.
How does that comport with what LMPD Hudson is saying today? It doesn’t.
I hope they are both getting counseling in order to deal with an unfathomable situation.
A query for the lawyers: as I recall, Shellie Zimmerman took a plea deal in her perjury case. Could any of her actions or statements in the present issue be construed as a probation violation?
IANAL, but I have a long background in LE. If Shellie gets charged for a crime, and filing a false police report would, in particular, be serious even as a misdemeanor because of its similarity to perjury, they could violate her probation and accelerate all the stayed punishments. She could completely lose the advantages she got on the perjury plea deal, including losing the expungement, which was the best part of it.
I just looked back at Shellie’s plea deal. She doesn’t have to actually be convicted of a crime in order for the probation to be violated or rescinded by the court. She had a one-year jail sentence stayed which could be imposed now if the court feels she has not followed the probation term of living within the law, should there be a determination that Shellie lied to the cops on the 911 calls.
I noticed in the LMPD’s statement today that they twice (I believe) stated that either George or Shellie could still be prosecuted for what went down yesterday. It struck me as slightly out of the ordinary that Shellie was mentioned as well as George since usually when someone makes a panicked 911 call, they truly are a victim or about to become one. It may be that what LMPD was talking about in connection with prosecuting Shellie was not domestic violence but rather filing a false police report and related abuse of 911. If the cops get that video restored and it exonerates GZ to the extent that he wasn’t threatening them and wasn’t the aggressor, Shellie may have dug herself a hole she can’t climb out of.
>>”But hours later she changed her story and said she never saw a firearm, said Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell.”
So she lied. Hysterically and vindictively. Any consequences for this? Why aren’t the polive investigating and contemplating charges against HER.
They may be. We don’t know. I think they certainly should be.
Does a gun even need to be present to be “threatened with a firearm”? I mean anyone in a heated argument can say “I’ll put a bullet in your head” but have no gun in their possession. This does not mean Shellie lied just because she said she didn’t ‘see’ a gun.
>>”Shellie Zimmerman…initially told a 911 dispatcher that her husband had his hand on his gun as he sat in his car outside the home she was at with her father.”
She lied.
And let’s not forget that she also claimed that, at the same time he had his hand on the gun, he was saying something like, “Step closer, c’mon, get closer.”
So, not only was there no gun, there were such tauntings because out of context with a gun, they make no sense whatsoever.
Once again, let us pray for some justice for George.
The dude cannot catch a break.
(should be “no such tauntings….”)
He could have used his fists, or maybe the cement…
You’re just trolling now, DB. Shellie lied about the gun. Full stop.
Driveby, he was sitting in his vehicle and getting ready to beat on her father?
Very awkward to do.
Ordinarily one would dismiss out of hand the suggestion that this incident is somehow related to her perjury plea-bargain, but given the way Zimmerman’s DGU case was handled by the State from beginning to end …
George is a douche bag. I don’t know about Shellie, but at least she had the love and character to stand by him for so long though his trial, and that had to be very hard. He must have milked her and her family to achieve that, and then he kicked her and her Family to the curb!
George on the other hand… he killed someone. And he keeps breaking the very simple laws of the road and getting pulled over for it. And he has the nerve to visit the factory that manufactured the gun that he used to kill someone (kill, not murder, just for the record) – so STUPID and so ARROGANT! Again, douche bag. Waiting for the next episode of this drama…
The rest of you can kiss his ass if you like, but he is and always will be a douche. IMHO
Yea, you’re name says it all doesn’t it. She stood by him during his trial – and, what …. he should have to kiss her a** for it? If my wife were charged with something, then, OF COURSE I stand by her – it’s a given, and not something for which you get victim credit for.
He killed someone – yep, he sure did – but he did not MURDER someone. And therein lies a key difference. How is he “arrogant” btw? A firearm saved his life, and he visited the factory in which it was made. So what?
Get a grip.
Quoting you:
“If my wife were charged with something, then, OF COURSE I stand by her – it’s a given…”
That’s retarded sir!
It’s “retarded” to stand by your spouse if they are going through a life altering event?
Now, were he some G. Bundy fella, sure, maybe, or a child molestor then yea, I see what you’re saying … but that’s not the case.
He defended himself from a thug and it’s all about HER feelings?! So if you got cancer and your wife was like “oh, crap, this may be hard, I want out” you’d be all understanding and ok with it?
You missed the point of my reply to you. Here it is again:
“Quoting you:
“If my wife were charged with something, then, OF COURSE I stand by her – it’s a given…”
That’s retarded sir!”
You stated (believe) that “it’s a given” to stand by your spouse. No argument there. Shellie did just that. George did not do that! Hence my quoting Rachel Jeantel’s words to Don West, “That’s retarded sir!” Do you follow now?
You are rude. Of all the negative terms you could use, you choose one that is not appropriate for this website.
Apologies, no offense intended. Just my thoughts as I was posting. I certainly could have chosen a better word(s).
Your ignorance of the case is amazing. Zimmerman protected himself from a thug. Self defense, clearly, to those that look at the evidence objectively.
But then, I get it. Racists like yourself can’t look at anything unless you put skin color first. And that’s why no one has any respect for you and your kind. In fact, pity or disdain come to mind.
Or, let me put it another way:
“I’m sorry, but your race card has been declined. You have exceeded your credibility limit.”
Who said anything about race, other than you? And who said anything about “this case,” other than you? George was acquitted on the murder charge.
And “protected himself from a thug” by killing the thug is still the killing of another human being. As I said, not the murder of another human being. George did kill a human being. You can call it “self defense” if that makes it feel good to you, but it is still the killing of a human being and nothing less. It was self defense under the law, but it is a killing under G*d.
Judging by the content of your post, you really need to go find a BLACK race baiter, which I am not, to argue with. And because I see George as something less than what you see George, you call me a racist?
Ummm, killing in self defense IS permissible under God’s law.
MURDER is not.
And you didn’t post about how he killed someone in any sort of sympathetic way, or referring to facts from the case, or even, gee, if it were YOU lying on the ground having your head caved in on the concrete. No, the way you stated it was accusatory and condemning, so don’t act all shocked and shaken when people take it that way.
DriveBy’s schtick is well-known by now. He is one of those that saw race and not character…he just happens to identify with Trayvon.
I thought that this topic was related to George and Shellie and Shellie’s Family, and to the incident between them yesterday. LOL! You people do realize that George was acquitted, right?
Folks – he’s TROLLING. Stop feeding the troll.
If his version of trolling is being wrong often and looking embarrassingly stupid then I will feed all day. It’s entertaining…like the zoo.
George needs to get the hell away from her …several states away … cause she stands a far better chance of getting him prison time than all the Flying Monkeys who were lined up against him before ….give her everything but future earnings and leave
False allegations and lying are rampant in our courts – and it’s the prosecutors and judges who are at fault.
If I decide to not prosecute shop lifting, and, due to that, shop lifting crime skyrockets, and THEN I say “gee, if we start prosecuting this crime it will clog up our courts.” then I (the DA’s) have created this problem, and now want to be let off the hook for the consequences of their bending to political correctness and not being bothered.
Shellie Z needs to face jail time – she stated, placing a person in legal peril, that GZ not only had a weapon, but that he had pointed it at her.
IMO – she clearly thought there was a weapon nearby and that her lie would be backed up by that fact. But, since that didn’t happen, there was no weapon, “she dropped it” – well, golly how magnanimus of her. She lied and got caught.
False accusations are so prevelant because there is no deterrent. It’s a lottery ticket – all possible gain with very little loss.
Quoting you:
“IMO – she clearly thought there was a weapon nearby…”
No! Seriously? How could she possibly have had that belief?
BTW. Why is George still driving the same silver Honda pickup truck he had back in the day? I thought that all of the blacks were out to murder him, so he might want to keep his vehicle “on the down low” by switching to a different car or truck. Just a thought…
I thought it was open season on young black men now. Where’s all those white on black deaths we heard were coming?
I’ve been seeing a lot of tweets that O’Mara has quit:
I don’t have a TV, so I haven’t seen any the various players’ media appearances. Does anyone know whether this is true, or is it just another beat-up?
Here you go:
Quote from the article:
A spokesman for Mark O’Mara, who succeeded in winning an acquittal for Zimmerman in the racially charged Trayvon Martin murder trial, said O’Mara will not represent Zimmerman in any future litigation including his divorce and any possible charges resulting from the Monday incident involving his wife and father-in-law.
O’Mara will still be Zimmerman’s lawyer in a defamation suit pending against NBC and in the remaining motions stemming from the Trayvon Martin trial, including a motion to reimburse Zimmerman’s attorneys and a motion to censure the prosecution.
O’Mara appeared to struggle with his anger at his client during Monday’s incident in which he went to Zimmerman’s house while police were still there. During a press conference later, O’Mara was asked if he had any advice for Zimmerman, and he answered, “Pay me.”
Zimmerman’s wife said that her husband has been acting as if he’s “invincible” since his acquittal in July.
Zimmerman has twice been caught speeding since the end of his murder trial and made a controversial visit to the Kel Tec gun factory, the company that made the weapon he used to kill Martin.
Pay me Mr. Invincible! LOL!!!!!!!!!
Well if he’s not a divorce lawyer or family court lawyer, I don’t see why anyone would expect him to represent GZ in those matters. That’s what I mean — is this just a beat-up?
O’Mara’s practice is Criminal AND Family Law; he was somehow ideal for both of George’s troubles:
Attorneys do not drop clients without very, very, good reason(s). George did something and it is likely on Shellie’s iPad video or her father’s home security video. George told O’Mara what he did, and O’Mara could not stomach defending George any further. Must have been outrageous!!!
Inability to pay might be one. Doing one pro bono case for someone doesn’t tie you to them for life.
I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal.
Amy, it’s full (of $hit). Please quit feeding it.
And for God’s sake, don’t squeeze it.
Well, if MOM hasn’t yet been paid what GZ agreed he could pay, and won’t listen to his advice about post-trial conduct and/or stay as far away from Shellie as possible (in view of her interview), I can understand him not being willing to represent him further. He’s still representing him in the NBC suit and the prosecutorial misconduct matters. But apparently he’s not prepared to undertake any new business with George if he won’t listen to him and won’t pay him.
I think GZ is a basically one of the ‘good guys’, but he’s never struck me as being the sharpest knife in the drawer. GZ should follow his attorney’s advice and pay him to the best of his ability.
You can say that again! I checked the Florida voting rolls out of Tallahassee last week, and he’s still a registered Democrat 😉
Amy, “You can say that again! I checked the Florida voting rolls out of Tallahassee last week, and he’s still a registered Democrat ;-)”
LOL! 🙂 That’s exactly what I mean!
Also, do you have link to that video? We know that sometimes the MSM’s transcribing efforts aren’t the most accurate. In fact I think there’s a lawsuit going about that very sort of thing.
Yeah, without an undeited video, it’s hard to know the full context of what MOM said and why. But it seems to me ABC would be extremely unwise to put forward a video edited to mislead what MOM said, given the NBC suit and MOM’s excellent representation of GZ. Editing a 911 tape of a call made by a non-lawyer is stupid enough, but to edit a video of a lawyer in such a way as to mislead would be really, really stupid.
How is visiting Kel-Tec controversial? I would have done the same thing… if nothing more than to thank them for making a reasonably priced and reliable weapon that saved my life from a low-rent thug. there’s not a damned thing controversial about it. As a matter of fact, it was the polite thing to do.
I also see that the left is running with the iPad story as “George Zimmerman Destroyed Evidence!!111!!!”:
But really. Even if the case were destroyed, the storage memory would be very unlikely to get damaged. It’s a flash drive, no moving parts. And that’s assuming the video was NOT saved in the cloud, as most i-device photos and videos are, through the PhotoStream feature. But even if it wasn’t streamed to the cloud as it was being recorded, I have a hard time seeing how a bit of shoving could destroy an internal flash drive. The evidence (if there is any) is still there, they just have to connect it to a different device.
Shellie claimed GZ smashed the iPad and stabbed it with a knife.
Shellie talked about George taking from her iPad from her and throwing it on the ground, presumably the concrete (how ironic!), and then stabbing the device with a knife.
As others have ADMITTED, George is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I put my bet on you knowing more about the device than George…
O’Mara confirms what Shellie claims; George was in fact armed and his gun was on his waist, under his shirt:
Which makes it impossible for him to be “brandishing” it.
Heh. It’d be funny if George had an EMPTY holster under his shirt and Shellie figured he was armed, therefore thinking she could run with the bogus 911 claims.
Actually, this is a “typical” divorce story. Often the wife’s lawyer explains that she can get more money by complaining to the police that her husband is violent. And, she needs a restraining order.
I don’t think Shellie is necessarily stupid. She had no idea how events would end up going viral. And, that’s all that’s really saving George (again). Otherwise, the system would grind him under.
What was the “legal” motivation? Well, a man could lose his gun license if he’s accused of domestic violence.
That’s the part of this story that is unraveling.
Shellie also copped a plea on the issue that she lied to the judge at George’s bail hearing. (While George was in jail.) Did you know that Shellie had access to those funds coming in for George’s defense? And, she took $130,000 through a chain of deposits and withdrawals, so that she actually had possession of these funds FOR PERSONAL USE.
That’s why she feared a trial. And, copped a plea.
Here? Well, her lawyer would know that in divorces a man can lose the right to carry a gun. (The 911 call gives a clear indication she was saying she could be shot at any moment.)
Then, there’s the matter of George’s life insurance policy. Does George have one now? (For some reason, I don’t think so.) But she wants one. And, she wants to be the beneficiary. AND, she doesn’t want George to carry a gun, legally.)
Now, the only question is what will the local police department do? They were sure aggressive in “restraining” George. What with the local police armed to the teeth.
And, because the 911 tape was aired. AND, it went viral. What will the police do with all this fall out?
When the divorce hits family court will we see another judge farley ridiculous debbie half nelson, in charge?
I’ll bet it will get wall to wall coverage.