Current status a/o 10:15 p.m. Eastern — House passed two amendments, Senate then rejected. Looks like no more House votes tonight.
House will simply request a conference with the Senate tomorrow. So Harry Reid gets his “shutdown.”
You can watch House floor here and here (will embed when House comes back in session).
UPDATE — Senate quickly rejected House Amendments, thereby voting to preserve Congressional special privileges and unequal treatment of individuals. Looks like the likely House response will be limited specific “clean” funding similar to what was done with military pay. Make Democrats in Senate vote against funding Veterans Department, etc.
UPDATE — House passes Amendments. Everything, I repeat, everything gets funded, but (1) the individual mandate (but not “Obamacare”) is delayed one year to match the delay given businesses, and (2) Congress and its staff, and political appointees, have to go into the Obamacare exchanges with the same subsidies based on income level as everyone else. Now goes to Senate, where Democrats have said they will reject it within an hour of receipt and send it back to House “clean” again:
I’ll embed the Senate vote when it starts, but you can watch the foul speeches by Reid, Durbin and others at CSPAN2. Really, foul people.