#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen hashtag unleashes bitter intra-feminist racial grievances

Remember when Joan Walsh of non-tokenist Salon.com kicked off an intra-progressive Twitter war after writing:

“I deeply resent people who insist that white progressives who criticize Obama are deluding themselves that they’re his ‘base,’ when his ‘base’ is actually not white progressives, but people of color.”

Sure you do, Dem Base Fractures Into Twitter War And Charges Of Racism Against Professional Left:

Nothing brings out the popcorn faster at LI than intra-progressive racial grievances.

And this past week possibly was the largest bucket of popcorn ever seen upon the face of the Earth, with the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen.


The guy they’re talking about, Hugo Schwyzer, also is known as the Pasadena Porn Professor, who we have covered at College Insurrection, and you can read more about at The Other McCain. (By this point you’re thinking, this is the weirdest Saturday Night Card Game post ever.)

However it started, as convoluted as it was, the result was pure hysteria (via Al Jazeera)(click on the date of each tweet to see responses to it, some of which were more “interesting” than the tweet itself):

Here are a couple I pulled in between sips of soda:

There was the inevitable mea white privilege culpas:

It also brought out some new troll Twitter accounts, I suspect this was one of them:

More at Twitchy, which noted that the hashtag was trending in the U.S.:

Then there was a spin-off hashtag: #blackpowerisforblackmen, which became really bitter, really fast:

Watching all this, I felt kinda guilty. Not for privilege, but for others having made the Saturday Night Card Game post basically write itself.

Update: Battleswarm has even more tweets, Shut Up White Women!

Tags: Saturday Night Card Game, Twitter, White Privilege