He’s running for Senate in Arkansas in a bid to unseat Democrat Mark Pryor.
I know almost nothing about Cotton or the Republican field. Who else is expected to run in the Republican primary?
This ad just released by Pryor attacking Cotton with the usual Democratic hyperbole and misdirection, tells me at least Pryor is worried:
Expect Cotton or whoever the Republican nominee to hang Obamacare around Pryor’s neck:
Pryor plays pretty fast and loose with the facts:
So tell me about Tom Cotton.
Is he Operation Counterweight 2014 – worthy?
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I’ve seen criticism of Cotton from the left saying ‘He’s only been in the House one term, and he thinks he’s ready for a promotion already ? Who does he think he is ?’.
Let’s apply this to Elizabeth Warren, and Obama, also, shall we ?
Oh, wait, too easy …..
The war of labels. What we don’t see are the hidden polls. Which are probably telling Pryor he’s vulnerable.
I rate the Pryor ad against Cotten as “meh.”
All politicians play hardball with commercials. And, the commercials are designed out-of-state. will 2014 turn out to be a “1994 doozy election?” I sure hope so!
But we’re talking about congress! Each one of those elected officials is rated below Obama. Let alone that IF there’s gonna be a tendency for the republicans to retake Congress, what are you gonna do with Boehner and Mitchell?
Do you see the problem? (Just in case there is a problem.)
Carol: are you a “sleeper agent” — posting often … trying to agitate for a cause that mostly I don’t agree with as a libertarian or … not making sense? Or do you have coherent viewpoints I have failed to grasp?
Please clarify. If yes, I won’t be so harsh.
It appears he’s not only got the right friends (Brietbart, Genni Thomas), he’s also got the right enemies (Huffpo, Mother Jones and most reporters in general). He got lots of chatter during the 2012 election, but I haven’t heard much from him since then.
Power Line likes him a lot: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2013/08/hes-in.php
The American People of every skin color are ready for REAL CHANGE – change back to Constitutional Government and sound policy!
he has no issues trying to force people to change their habits using force of law.
read up on his harvard activities.
(Off topic, slightly) Thank you for NOT making those autoplay.
Yes, the Power Line Boys have been among his biggest boosters. search for ‘cotton’ on their site, and pages of articles come up.
is as good a place to start as any, plus it has links to Nordlinger’s four-part piece on Cotton over at NRO…
How well a candidate performs during a debate goes a long way in convincing me one way or the other. That was the case with Ted Cruz, with regard to who I voted for President last November etc.
One’s grasp of reality, the issues and proposed solutions are the key to getting my attention..
Kirsten Gilibrand is calling him “anti-woman”.
“Spanky turned my brother Cotton into a monkey!” (Am I dating myself?
He is my Congressman. He has been reliable conservative vote since he took office. Pryor is scared because Arkansas is a red state nationally and turning redder each election. Prior to 2012, we had 3 Dem representatives and 1 Dem Senator. After the election, we now have 1 Dem senator, and that’s it. The state offices have been dominated by the Dems, but several turned red in 2010. In addition, Pryor taken many unpopular positions here. He has continued to win because the Republicans have run poor candidates against him. Tom Cotton could be the guy who changes that.
The only reason Pryor was permitted to vote “No” on the Machin-Toomey gun control package is that he, like his Alaska counterpart, is up for re-election this year.
Isn’t Tom Cotton the father of Rosie Cotton?
[…] Tom Cotton made it official . […]
He is in favor of the current broad surveillance programs, and recently voted against curbing those programs in a close vote in the House.