Run, Joe, Run

for President in 2016.

He’s our best, and maybe only, hope. 

At a minimum he will generate numerous quotables regarding his likely opponent, Hillary.  If by some miracle he’s the nominee, it will be a big f-ing deal when it comes to our chances of winning the White House.

Ted Cruz’s Joe Biden joke

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, shared some jokes at Vice President Joe Biden’s expense on Saturday as he spoke at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa.“Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz began, pausing for a moment as the crowd laughed.“You know the nice thing is that you don’t even need a punchline,” he added as the crowd roared with laughter.“You just say his name and people laugh,” Cruz noted, reminding the crowd of Biden’s advice about firing a shotgun in the air if a person’s house was under attack.“Which is very very good advice,” Cruz added. “If it so happens you are being attacked by a flock of geese.”Caffeinated Thoughts has Cruz’s full speech from the conference – Cruz’s Biden jokes begins at at the 7.00 minute mark.

Tags: 2016 Election, Joe Biden, Ted Cruz