Mubarak is back

He was acquitted of corruption charges. Somehow I doubt that would have happened but for the non-coup coup.

The most recent reports are that he will be released within 48 hours.

Remember, Obama told Mubarak to leave “yesterday” rather than allow the 9 month transition Mubarak was suggesting. It was an error we criticized at the time because the only political party at the time with the organization to win an election was the Muslim Brotherhood. The more secular and civil elements of society did not have time to make up for lost ground, and the rest is history.

The anti-democratic MB won the elections and proceeded to act like everyone predicted.

Now we’re almost back to square one.

Updates to follow.

The Sinai continues to spin out of control, with 24 Egyptian policemen killed in an ambush near the Gaza border, which Egypt has now closed. There are reports they were executed:

Don’t be surprised if Egypt ends up attacking Gaza, which the MB now uses as a safe haven and also is the home to even more extremist Islamist groups.

Anyone following closely has known for a while that the threats by Obama and the EU were empty because the Gulf states already pledged to make it up to Egypt, but this is being treated as news:

Tags: Egypt