“Just like he saved Detroit” Week at College Insurrection

Obama wants to fix the Higher Education Bubble.

You’re not done saving Detroit, please leave us alone:

I’ve got it: If we have too many lawyers already, let’s figure out a way to churn them out faster at lower cost so more people apply which increases the oversupply.  It worked so well with the housing market:

Actually, I have a better idea.  Let’s reduce presidential terms to two years instead of four, retroactively, so Presidents can make it to the lecture circuit without running up as much national debt.

Please tell me “Yes he can” … ah, that feels better:

Now we juxtapose:

Language Warning

What, me worry about political influence on campus?

“Diversity” ain’t what it used to be:

Sad for the “beneficiary” that is:

You’re going to have to show me some proof of this:

It’s called the “pursuit of happiness”:

Truth to power:


Oh, shut up already.  Sorry, that’s so unprofessional of me to put it that way, but it made me feel good:

I knew I should have majored in Econ:

Tags: College Insurrection