We might be hearing more about it.
Instead, the pipeline project has been lost in the flood of Obama scandals and diversions. Obama scoffs at the project only creating 50 permanent jobs — which is another “fact” just pulled out of his … ear.
Keystone will not be built while Obama is in office, even if by some miracle the State Department gets around to approving it. There will be regulatory delay and obfuscation.
What’s happening? Not much news, but Tim Scott did address the issue today, but it’s a voice in the media wilderness, via The Hill:
Republicans are seeking to regain the political offensive by exploiting divisions in the Democratic Party over President Obama’s energy policies. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) slammed Obama in the weekly GOP radio address Saturday over his administration’s reluctance to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, a project supported by many Senate Democrats. “The president is so out of touch with unemployed Americans that he thinks tens of thousands of Keystone XL construction jobs are a ‘blip,’ and ‘not a jobs plan,’” Scott said.
Meanwhile, there is more and more evidence that the arguments against construction are politically contrived, Obama’s Keystone XL Rejection Could Aid Venezuelan Oil, Report Says:
A rejection of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the United States Gulf Coast would not only make environmentalists and clean energy advocates happy, but also one of the U.S.’ feistiest opponents in the hemisphere: Venezuela.A new report by the energy analysis company IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (IHS CERA) stated that Venezuelan oil would be the biggest beneficiary if the U.S. State Department rejects the Keystone XL pipeline….Besides the issue of jobs, greenhouse emissions from the proposed pipeline has weighed heavily over the decision-making process. In June, President Obama said that any emissions related to increased oil sands processing in the U.S. would weigh heavily on whether or not he ultimately approves Keystone XL.The IHS CERA report, however, lined up with a survey by the U.S. State Department’s Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Keystone XL, which found oil sands production is expected to continue at similar levels regardless of whether Keystone XL goes forward or not. The report also stated that Venezuela’s greenhouse gas intensity is the same as that produced by the oil sands.