First they came for the “Israel Lobby,” but I didn’t speak out, because I didn’t want to be called an ISLAMOPHOBE!
Then they came for Florida Atlantic University, but I didn’t speak out, because it already tops the list of worst places to attend college:
Then they came for the phallic looking logo, but I didn’t speak out because, you know, feminism:
Then they came for the hook up culture, but I didn’t speak out, because you can’t take away my dreams:
Then they came for the journalism students, but I didn’t speak out, because not even journalism school grads read newspapers anymore:
Then they came for Obama’s legacy, but I didn’t speak out, because RACIST!
Then they came for the stogies, but I didn’t speak out because CANCER!
Then they came for privacy, but I didn’t speak out, because PRISM!
Then they came for free stuff, but I didn’t speak out, because JULIA FLUKE!
Then they came for credibility, but I didn’t speak out, because he can do the least damage in academia:
Then they came for the white privilege, but I didn’t speak out, because it doesn’t exist:
Then they came for the air conditioning, but I didn’t speak out, because I still got mine:
Then they came for the admissions officers, but I didn’t speak out, because the beast must be fed:
Then they came for the faculty, and there was no one left to speak for me: