(Dis)respect for our immigration laws tells us a lot

It was widely reported earlier this week that there was a mass coaching of Mexicans as to which phrases to use at the border to gain them temporary asylum, including lodging:

A sudden influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico requesting asylum is overwhelming immigration agents in San Diego, forcing agencies to rent hotel rooms for some undocumented families and release others to cities around the U.S.Documents obtained exclusively by Fox News show Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been paying for hotel rooms for dozens of recently arrived families to relieve overcrowding inside the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa, Calif., processing centers. Some ICE employees are working overtime and others have been asked to volunteer to work weekend shifts. “Duties include intake, placements, transports and release of family groups and unaccompanied minors,” according to a memo obtained by Fox News. The surge has raised suspicions about what is driving the influx, amid claims that illegal immigrants have learned they can attempt to get asylum by using a few key words — namely, by claiming they have a “credible fear” of drug cartels. “This clearly has to have been orchestrated by somebody,” said former U.S. Attorney for Southern California Peter Nunez. “It’s beyond belief that dozens or hundreds or thousands of people would simultaneously decide that they should go to the U.S. and make this claim.”

Temporary asylum has a way of turning into “undocumented” permanent residency, because many never pursue the process but just disappear “into the shadows.”  It’s part of what Michelle Malkin correctly calls America’s Insane Asylum for Jihadists, Hustlers and Frauds

It’s all the more infuriating when we learn that families like the Romeikes, who applied for asylum to avoid real, not contrived, persecution for homeschooling, feel the full weight of Eric Holder’s selective enforcement of the immigration laws.

Those using this ploy, and those who coached them, evidence a complete disrespect for our national sovereignty.

This disrespect also has evidenced itself in the Obama administration’s unilateral implementation of a quasi-DREAM policy and non-removal process at the border. 

So much so, that Marco Rubio now is complaining that if a deal is not reached in Congress, Obama will unilaterally legalize all illegal immigrants, via Drew M. at Ace Of Spades HQ:

Marco Rubio: You Better Pass My Version Of Amnesty Before Obama Does It On His Own

Keep talking Marco, you make yourself look less and less presidential every time.

“I believe that this president tempted will be tempted, if nothing happens in Congress, to issue an executive order as he did for the Dream Act kids a year ago, where he basically legalizes 11 million people by the sign of a pen,” Rubio said in an interview Tuesday on WFLA’s “The Morning Show with Preston Scott.”If that were to happen, Rubio warned, Republicans would not get the provisions they have been fighting for in the immigration debate, such as billions of dollars to strengthen border security and a workplace “e-Verify” system to help ensure that employers do not hire undocumented workers.“I have tried to come up as best as possible, given who controls the Senate, with a way to start the conversation to at least address some of these issues,” Rubio said. “It only gets worse as times goes on.”

Don’t tell me lawlessness has no consequences. It shapes behavior, including those supposedly opposed to lawlessness.

Tags: Eric Holder, Immigration, Marco Rubio, Romeike Family