Social Media Erupts at Zimmerman Verdict – continuing updates

The jury in the Zimmerman case reached a not guilty verdict this evening.  Legal Insurrection is following the reactions online as well as from demonstrators who have been outside the courthouse since deliberations first began. This post contains press conference videos of key people connected to the trial, photos of demonstrators outside the Florida courthouse, tweets/photos/videos related to current and scheduled “Justice for Trayvon” marches, verdict reactions from Twitter and embedded feeds for key Twitter hashtags.

Follow/refresh this post for continuing updates.

George Zimmerman’s reaction as the verdict was read:

Press conference with Zimmerman attorneys Mark O’Mara and Don West.

Press conference with prosecutors.

Florida State Attorney Angela Corey punts on a question about her office’s firing of IT Director Ben Kruidbos on Friday, after his testimony last month that he had concerns prosecutors may not have turned over information to the Zimmerman defense team.

Press conference with Trayvon Martin family.

Press conference with Martin family attorney Ben Crump.

Defense attorney Mark O’Mara also did an exclusive lengthy interview Friday with CNN’s Martin Savidge, just after the jury first began deliberations.  You can catch key highlights and video of that interview at Defense Attorney Mark O’Mara Opens Up About Influence of Race & Politics in Zimmerman Case.


Verdict reactions from Twitter:


Photos of demonstrators outside the courthouse before the verdict was announced – will be updated with additional photos from after the verdict announcement.  (Photos from Lee Stranahan unless otherwise noted).


Marches for Trayvon occurring and scheduled in multiple cities.


You can follow reactions live on Twitter at the #Zimmerman and #Justice4Trayvon hashtags, and generic search of “Trayvon.”