Now I remember why I detest the snide and smug insider attitude of the D.C. and liberal media.
Noah Rothman has the story at Mediaite about a Daily Caller intern who asked a perfectly legitimate question at a press conference today and was mocked by much of the “professional” media:
The impropriety displayed on Wednesday by a high school-age intern who dared to ask White House Press Secretary Jay Carney a question relating to the security provided to the family of George Zimmerman knows no bounds. That is apparently the opinion of a number of members of the political press. After an intern had the temerity to ask Carney a question, the political media flew into a tizzy over the presumptuousness of the intern and turned to mocking him and the venue which credentialed him to be in the Briefing Room in the first place….
the 16-year-old intern, Gabe Finger, asked Carney about the security provided Zimmerman’s family in the wake of the controversial not guilty verdict handed down last Saturday. Carney said that President Barack Obama and the Martin family have called for a non-violent reaction to the verdict.
“So, they’re on their own?” Finger followed up.
“You can editorialize all you want, and I’m sure that you will, but that is a ridiculous statement,” Carney shot back.
That was a perfectly legitimate question, yet here is some of the insider reaction via Mediaite:
Update: The Daily Caller responds:
Some reporters in Washington are asking why The Daily Caller sent our intern Gabe Finger to the White House press briefing this afternoon. Talk about missing the point. The real question is, why did it take a 16-year-old intern to raise an obvious and important question that the White House press corps should have asked days ago? We don’t care how old Gabe Finger is. It doesn’t matter to us what his credentials are. All we care about is how well he does his job. Today he did it a lot better than most White House reporters.
… including this video:

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One can only hope that Gabe gave Carney his last name as he left the room! 🙂
Sour grapes. The kid asked questions they should be asking and they know it. Isolate, ridicule, Alinsky-ize.
precisely… a very predictable proggie response
Unknown to the media so far, but when comprehensive immigration reform becomes law, the White House intends to outsource the function of the press corp(se) .. a job so simple a 16 year old intern can do it.
Some may be inclined to think the Alinsky rules are some sort of cheat sheet, and Carney had to look down at the “rules” to answer appropriately.
No, it’s automatic and natural….as if they’ve been indoctrinated.
No one is as smooth as Hillary, not even Obama.
Moreover, his comment “so they are on their own” was entirely accurate based on how Carney answered his question.
I admire the kid for his bravery, and condemn this spectacle of a paid hack dancing around, avoiding substance like the plague, but he did propose a false dichotomy, one that would irritate me if it were done to an official on “our side.”
The options aren’t (or shouldn’t be) presidential action versus being on your own. There should be another option: the state of Florida should do something to protect Zimmerman. We know it won’t, so yeah, effectively he is on his own, and that’s tragic. But it’s more a failing of the state than the president. Maybe a less hostile state would be a better home for Zimmerman, while Florida destroys itself.
If Jay Carney could be a human part he would be the colon. What a low life little twerp who thinks he is Mr. Insider and knows all. He has ZERO credibility with American public just like his lying boss.
Sphincter, definitely a sphincter.
the human body has dozens of sphincters… I believe you are referring to the anal variety in particular
I’ve seen a couple of blog comments elsewhere that referred to Carney as ‘White House Squeakhole”, so yeah.
“You mock the sphincter, but the sphincter is a class of muscle without which human beings couldn’t survive. There are over 50 different sphincters in the human body. How many can you name?”
*Lower esophageal sphincter, or cardiac sphincter (esophagus to the stomach)
*Pyloric sphincter (stomach to small intestines)
Ileocecal sphincter or valve (small intestines to large intestines)
*Anal sphincter (rectum to outside)
** Moronical Sphincter( Between mouth and brain-Absent in the America Liberal )
So you’re a sphincter cognoscente?
don’t forget the sphincters of the venal system, things would be messy without them
” without which human beings couldn’t survive ”
So in this case “human beings” = Administration.
Anyway it mainly operates in the treatment of waste.
Carney is this decade’s Baghdad Bob.
Don’t expose the laziness of palace lapdogs!
I beg to object. Calling these lapdogs lazy is demonstrating a generosity they don’t deserve and haven’t earned. They studiously and vigorously go out of their way to portray President Barack Hussein 0bama in the most positive light possible. A great of effort is put into consciously supporting the narrative.
This far, we know for sure that the White House is going into the Zimmerman witch hunt full throttle.
What’s Congress going to do?
Somebody has to stop this nonsense!
We don’t need, and the Founding Fathers did not envision a government that takes it upon itself to persecute and punish the citizens of the United States without cause.
Today they’re harassing George Zimmerman.
Tomorrow it will be any of us.
DoJ sent in the FBI early to look for civil rights violations, and we can assume they were ordered to look deep and wide for them. They found nothing, indeed, found only evidence that GZ was definitively not racist. That’s tough to overcome. The DoJ is certainly capable of ginning something up purely for media hype purposes, like this request they’ve posted that anyone with evidence of CRV’s by Zimmerman please contact us, but I think the most they’ll get out of that is a couple thousand completely false accusations by the same folks tweeting death threats.
They’ll pick out a few, leak them to the media (which means walking them a few doors down the hallway at the White House), and let them simmer and cook the current RACISM!! meme. When the noise dies down, they’ll know it’s time to announce the DoJ investigation has concluded without gathering enough to indict. By that time, of course, they’ll have identified some other event that they’ll make scream “RACISM!!”
What this means is that the Democrats have essentially announced is that they know they’ve got nothing to run on in 2014, indeed, they have too much to run away from (IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare, etc.), and are going to the trusty well of RACISM!!, the only arrow left in their quiver, bent and dull as it is.
‘Enry ‘Awkins, Metaphor Mixologist, at your service, sir!
Did you readers send an email objection to the DOJ?
I sent one to the DOJ telling them they should investigate Angela Corey’s violation of Zimmerman’s civil rights. Then I sent letters to my representative and to my senators asking them to promote legislation to investigate the DOJ’s investigation of the case against George Zimmerman after the FBI found he was not a racist.
That whole ‘bills of attainder’ business.
Constitution, Schmonstitution!
The palace guard attack and bully the child Gabe Finger who just went to get some skittles at the White House press room. The child Gabe was minding his own business and asked if he wanted to ask a question. The child Gabe was relentlessly attacked by white men who didn’t know why he was there since he wasn’t kissing the floor.
Again, so they’re on their own?
Actually it’s worse than that for Zimmerman and his family. Their own government is now deeply invested in their destruction and the national media — the second most abusive and irresponsible institution in the country behind the federal government — despises them for not playing their proper masochistic role in this morally twisted show trial. Beyond that, I haven’t been able to identify a single Republican willing to stand up for them.
But here’s the irony: George Zimmerman could be the most powerful man in America right now. Think about it.
BEARS REPEATING – “…I haven’t been able to identify a single Republican willing to stand up for them.”
Who among the Republicans has spoken up for George Zimmerman and his family?
Allen West talked about ‘real race issues’ and ‘stand your ground’ but he did not address the fearful plight of the Zimmermans due to the pernicious actions of Crump, Corey, Sharpton, Holder and Obama. Link
No Republican has done or said anything to stop the madness.
you mean sadistic rather than masochistic. Would that it were masochistic!!
Uh, what exactly *is* the “question relating to the security provided to the family of George Zimmerman” that Finger asked? The only direct quotation I’ve been able to find is for the follow-up question, and Carney’s response to that.
Play the clip embedded in this article. The initial question from the press intern is at the beginning of the clip.
Suppose he had asked a similar question of George Bush? He might be hailed as a hero prodigy.
Frankly, if they replaced those crybabies with real kindergarteners, it would be an improvement.
Imagine if they weren’t filmed! Oh, the outrage!
out of the mouths of babes
We may each decide whether it was on purpose or not, but by stating that the White House (federal government) is unaware of any death threats to GZ & family, Jay Carney just told any would-be assassin(s) not to worry about federal level security – GZ (ground zero) is unsecured.
Carney is that person who everybody punched in high school just because.
He’s the kid Romney gave the haircut to.
So, if I have the age right, they’re picking on someone younger than St. Trayvon?
How dare they pick on a child!
I’ll bet the DC intern knows that Ho Lee Fuk isn’t a real name! Does jonathan chit know anything other than how to unzip jug ears’ zipper and swallow.
So is Chait the Francoization of the English Shat?
Only if you merde the language. . .
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Brilliant, gut-inspired quip, “So they are own their own, huh?” Way too much irony in that. With the Obama boot on the throats of all Constitution-loving Americans, young man, you will soon realize that “We are all on our own.”
Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
That’s going to leave a mark.
When I was young (yes, that long ago), reporters (not journalists) were for the most part fairly liberal. But they’d sell their mothers to get a story, because it was all about the story, the scoop, the right question, and getting it into print. It didn’t matter if the target was someone they otherwise might defend and admire, if the story was there they’d go with it.
Particularly since they knew that if they sat on a story their competition across town might run it in tomorrow’s headline.
Now thanks to J-schools we have journalists, and thanks to their education we have narrative and not stories, and thanks to their shameless self-promotion we have important journalists, and thanks to JOURNOLIST all these important journalists coordinate their narrative to the demands of those to whom they owe their allegiance so as to be relieved of the fear that they might get scooped.
Too bad the 16 year old kid didn’t know the rules, eh?
They would report numbers in demonstrations according to their politics. I recall this quite well.
There is no doubt that Jonathan Chait is one of the most loathsome people fouling up the journalism profession today. Just seeing his name makes me want to puke.
The emperor has no clothes. The honest answer though is that this is the responsibility of the state of Florida. But given that the Obama regime has stirred up the lynch mobs, they too have a responsibility.
yeah, well you lost Carney at ‘honest answer’
It actually was a legitimate question given that Barack’s attorney general is using taxpayer dollars to stir up racial animus and endanger Zimmerman’s life.
Too bad the kid was the only journalist in the room.
The kid should have thrown a shoe at Carney.
I’d pay good money …
What an arrogant pr*ck Carney is. Total disgrace. Someone needs to piss in his Post Toasties.
nah, go ahead and drop a baby ruth in there
That kid has more chops and bigger stones than any of these so-called “professionals.”
And they know it.
Well, two glasses of wine, and I am into esoteric Irish Poems!
The JabberWonk
by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter
There once was an intern named “Gabe.”
In the woods of the White House, a babe.
His question, no whimsy,
Made Jay Carney mimsy,
And the Washington Press Corps outgrabe.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Note 1. From The Jabberwock Poem. Wiki notes:
Jabberwocky: When a class in the Girls’ Latin School in Boston asked Carroll’s permission to name their school magazine The Jabberwock, he replied: “The Anglo-Saxon word ‘wocer’ or ‘wocor’ signifies ‘offspring’ or ‘fruit’. Taking ‘jabber’ in its ordinary acceptation of ‘excited and voluble discussion
Humpty comments that ” ‘Mimsy’ is ‘flimsy and miserable’ ”
outgrabe: Humpty says ” ‘outgribing’ is something between bellowing and whistling, with a kind of sneeze in the middle”.[15] Carroll’s book appendices suggest it is the past tense of the verb to ‘outgribe’, connected with the old verb to ‘grike’ or ‘shrike’, which derived ‘shriek’ and ‘creak’ and hence ‘squeak
wonk: a studious person, usually detail oriented.
He could have asked a really legitimate question like “What does you family think about the fact you are such an a**hole at work too?”
Well, has anyone considered the obvious in his question.
The intern is a teenager.
Trayvon was a teenager.
So, had Trayvon been an intern, he would have been shot down by the press secretary.
Therefore, the press secretary is a racist.
Carney could have just answered him honestly and avoided the whole thing.
“Since we have the whole family under surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and a SWAT team on stand-by in case they step out of bounds we are not overly concerned that they will be harmed by any civilian involvement. We got there first and we have dibbs on them.”
Sadly, that’s probably not far from the truth.
Sort of like how they were watching that thing in, where was it, Benghazi? Just because they are watching somebody being taken down and out doesn’t mean they’re going to lift a finger to help.
I believe credit goes to Texas for an expression something like “He despises that other guy so much he wouldn’t piss on him if he was being burned alive.”
You know, in most professions, when you get a youngster in there, testing the water, the veterans tend to be a little protective of the youngster, you know, to kind of foster their interest in joining what they all presumably consider to be an honorable profession.
I guess that isn’t true of the White House Press Corp.
That’s because the Media have acted as willing accomplices in the persecution of the Zimmermans.
It is astounding that neither the White House nor the press has even considered the safety or the fear of the Zimmerman family at all.
Since when has the press ever worried about the damage done to the subject of a story (except for a policy of making sure an accused rapist cannot get the witnesses to prove his innocence)?
For that matter, I remember, year ago, a reporter complaining on the radio, how the higher-ups would send them to all sorts of dangerous places with no concern for their lives.
That’s because they know that their own levels of skill and maturity are no higher.
In other words, you hit the nail on the head.
No sympathy for Carney or the press here, but wouldn’t it be a state responsibility to protect the Zimmermans, if they are in danger due to state law enforcement activities? More distressing to me were the apparent threats and possible solicitation for murder that apparently went uninvestigated by anyone.
Next week DC should send a monkey with a press pass.
I think the White House IS panicked! And, their troops are the media. And, the media is engaged in a full frontal assault! They want to convince people that George Zimmerman “got out of the car and refused to listen to the POlice.”
And, Dee-Dee goes on the air and tells the world she’s got a 3.0 average. And, she’s not dumb. Plus, she talks loudly enough that she can be heard. (While at the trial she mumbled.)
And, Dee-Dee always drops clues! With Piers Morgan she said in her neighborhood, it’s da BLOODS. And, they just beat up innocent people (till they is being bloody). Zimmerman was under no threat of death.
The BLOODS is the other gang to the CRIPS. (And, while Blacks don’t open stores in ghettos, they do sell drugs. And, even with poor skills in school, they are rather adept at gangsta business.)
I remember back in the 1950’s a teacher commented that one of his black students was failing math. But he ws the kid who went around and took the quarters from people making daily “numbers” bets. (The 3 digits came from the “odd lot” numbers … using the last 3 digits. On stock sales on the New York Stock exchange.) Odd lots means the amounts bought in less than 100 shares at a time.
How did the kid do that math? In his head. He’d distribute winnings … because he retained … in his head … the numbers people bet when he took their quarters.
Today? It’s distributing “nickel bags,” and such. Again these are not metric values. But gangsta kids who do poorly in school … can still make lots of profits for themselves. And, the gangs that protect them.
I’m sure the White House feels that as soon as Princess Kate, in England, births the next heir to the throne … All the media will leave this story … And, the “did she push? Or was she too posh to push” … will be the story that claims front page space.
The Internet gives communications a kick in the pants. But you don’t see politicians coming forward right now risking anything?
You’ve heard from Rick Scott?
Obama, on the other hand, has the stage. And, lots of people like him. Maybe, it was like watching Dean Martin, when he was drunk. Couldn’t remember the words to songs … But, gee whiz, he soitenly was entertaining.
Now, you have to make your arguments on tidbits. To people who didn’t watch the trial. And, who are convinced Trayvon “was just a kid.” And, Zimmerman had the gun. And, that makes the killing an unfair fight.
Sure. You can puke. But that doesn’t stop the frontal assault from coming at you.
The good news? No one listens to press conferences.
Just like Farley-Nelson’s big ass … which landed on the scales of justice. See nothing. Do nothing. And, wait for the storm to blow over.
As to the riots … I was out in Pasadena shopping today. No riots. While the stores I visited had customers. Business as usual.
I sure hope Princess Kate goes into labor very, very soon.
It just gets worse and worse:
The DOJ helped a bogus student group run by paid activists with links to ACORN and Occupy target George Zimmerman
There is no part of the Obama administration that does not smell like rotting putrid garbage. None.
They are just butt hurt that a 16 year old kid has bigger balls than all of theirs put together.
And what they are REALLY upset about is that even a kid understands that Obama bears a moral responsibility for the outrage and racial division he ginned up in order to get re-elected.
If this had been a 16 year old girl screaming about her vagina they would be patting her on the back for speaking truth to power. These guys are just a sad joke.
So a 16 year old kid asks a question and the liberal media mocks and bullies him?! How deep is the hypocrisy rabbit hole?
Hoisted on their own petard by a teenager. Oh the indignity of it all! ROFL
Obama calls for peace and calm, yet refuses to ensure said peace by protecting the potential target of violence… Once again, Obama all talk, no action revealing he blathers nothing but platitudes. Teenagers are really good about sussing out platitudes.
If only they treated the professional liar Jay Carney with the same contempt.
It may only be the mainstream (or is it liberal) press which is ignorant of the incidents, both realized and threatened, which have occurred before, during, and after the trial.
Carney owes an explanation because the threat to life and welfare only escalated after the intervention of Obama, Holder, civil rights groups, and other special interests. If anything, they may be considered accessories to all the crimes committed after they acted stupidly and without consideration for anyone but themselves.
Yet another reason to rely on alternative press outlets and governments. Perhaps Snowden was justified to seek aid and comfort from foreign sovereigns. Our representatives are exhibiting an extraordinary level of corruption and disinterest in the welfare of the citizens they serve.
What in the world does the White House have to do with the protection of a prior defendant in a state criminal trial. This is the kind of stuff that makes the Right look like pathetic loons.
Did you get a chance to read this comment?
“n.n | July 17, 2013 at 8:41 pm
It may only be the mainstream (or is it liberal) press which is ignorant of the incidents, both realized and threatened, which have occurred before, during, and after the trial.
Carney owes an explanation because the threat to life and welfare only escalated after the intervention of Obama, Holder, civil rights groups, and other special interests. If anything, they may be considered accessories to all the crimes committed after they acted stupidly and without consideration for anyone but themselves.
Yet another reason to rely on alternative press outlets and governments. Perhaps Snowden was justified to seek aid and comfort from foreign sovereigns. Our representatives are exhibiting an extraordinary level of corruption and disinterest in the welfare of the citizens they serve.
or perhaps this one?
“Uncle Samuel | July 17, 2013 at 7:24 pm
It just gets worse and worse:
The DOJ helped a bogus student group run by paid activists with links to ACORN and Occupy target George Zimmerman
There is no part of the Obama administration that does not smell like rotting putrid garbage. None.
rabid wolves don’t care who their victims are. They didn’t get Zimmerman, so they are even hungrier than usual.
If Edward R Murrow had a son, he would look like Gabe Finger.
I’m sure Gabe will enjoy experiencing his first IRS audit in the near future!
They believe they are untouchable. No matter what they do, they will have a job, great pay, contacts, etc. The fact that they feel no shame in trying to humiliate a teenager shows how depraved they are. The fact they think that the public would support them shows how out of touch they are.
They all work for corporations. There should be some way that those of us that want a fair and free press band together and purchase enough stock in these companies to force them to listen. There are more of us than them.
With this media and this GOP they are untouchable.
Jay Carney comes off sounding like Ron Ziegler.
GABE FINGER. A good name to remember to see if he can get a leg up inside the writing world, now.
Kid asked a great question!
He asked what’s being done to protect the Zimmerman family.
Pays to pay attention to great questions.
Unfortunately, I’m sure he will no longer get to be an intern for speaking up.. The kid had big, brass ones for sure!
Carney’s answer was insulting and dismissive. Everyone knows you can’t ask unscripted questions at a press corp meeting!
the whitehouse had no problem making statements about “honoring” obama’s “son”. why is it not acceptable to ask about the safety of the zimmerman family after the violent reactions to the verdict ?
Because Zimmerman is the wrong innocent person. And he’s not black.
I loved that Gabe asked the perfect follow-up question/comment:
“So they’re on their own.”
So then Jay snarks at a high school junior. What an a$$. Can’t wait till he is gone. Hope someone metaphorically kicks him out the door.
Photos of Al and Crump and the Martins at a DOJ-sponsored protest where the terrorist group, New Black Panther Party, is handing out Wanted Dead or Alive Posters and offering $10,000. reward for Zimmerman’s life.
So why isn’t the DOJ protecting Zimmerman and family? After all, there have been hundreds if not thousands of death threats.
Why indeed?
Out of the mouth of babes…
Leave it to someone who is innocent to ask a question that we already know the answer to.
Young Finger doesn’t know how this game is played yet.
I can just visualize Sharpton, Holder and NObama on their knees every night at their bedsides praying that somebody takes ol’ Zimmy out. It will save them from getting their hands any more dirty than they currently are. Then they can come out with a “that’s just too bad” press release, while high-fiving behind the curtain, slapping each other on the back and saying to each other that “real justice has finally been served.”