LIVE: Sharpton’s “Justice For Trayvon” Rallies Push for Civil Rights Case Against Zimmerman

“Justice for Trayvon” rallies and marches are scheduled all across the nation today, organized by The Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network (NAN).  In protest of the recent ‘not guilty’ verdict in the Zimmerman case, leaders and attendees will demand that the federal government “investigate civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.”

Trayvon Martin’s parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin will stand with Rev. Al Sharpton and National Action Network for the “Justice for Trayvon” 100 city vigils this Saturday, July 20th. Sybrina Fulton and her surviving son Jahvaris Fulton will stand with Rev. Al Sharpton and NAN at One Police Plaza at Noon in New York, while Trayvon’s father Tracy Martin will join NAN’s Southeast Regional Chairman and Florida chapter a the Miami location for the “100-city Justice for Trayvon” vigil.In over one hundred cities across the United States, NAN is organizing “Justice for Trayvon” vigils on Saturday, July 20th to press the federal government to investigate civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. Hundreds of national preachers, led by Rev. Al Sharpton and NAN will hold prayer vigils and rallies in front of federal buildings calling on the Justice Department to investigate the civil rights violations made against Trayvon Martin.

More information in the NAN press release.

Sometimes it’s helpful to follow or check in on some of these events online, so that you can fully understand all the different narratives out there, many of which unfortunately can compete with facts and truth and muddy the waters.

If you’re interested, you can follow the NAN Livestream, as well as the #JusticeForTrayvon Twitter hashtag feed below.  We’ll bring you any important updates if/as available.


Watch live streaming video from officialnationalactionnetwork at

Tags: Al Sharpton, George Zimmerman