Zimmerman juror interview | 911 tape | screaming
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Juror: 5 of 6 believed it was Zimmerman screaming for help (Rachel Jeantel inverview added)

Juror: 5 of 6 believed it was Zimmerman screaming for help (Rachel Jeantel inverview added)

And it begins.

Juror B37 gave an interview to CNN in which she said it was George Zimmerman screaming for help: [some video problems on CNN’s side with embeds but appears to be working now]

Meanwhile, the prosecutors are on the TV circuit defending themselves, and calling Zimmerman a murderer:

How would Florida State Attorney Angela Corey describe George Zimmerman in one word?


Update: Thanks to Common Cents, here is the full video interview:

Update No. 2: (h/t commenter txantimedia)


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