Anthony Weiner’s campaign manager calls it quits

After the latest reports of serial sexter Anthony Weiner’s post-resignation online fling, his campaign manager has called it quits.

From the NY Times:

In a new sign of tumult within Anthony D. Weiner’s embattled political operation, his campaign manager has quit, leaving his already skeletal team without a day-to-day leader.According to two people told of the decision, the campaign manager, Danny Kedem, no longer wished to oversee Mr. Weiner’s bid for New York mayor after a week of bruising revelations about the candidate’s latest online conduct. The two people, who have close ties to the campaign, did not want to be identified because they were disclosing confidential conversations.Mr. Kedem, 31, informed Mr. Weiner of his decision in the last 24 hours, the two people said.

The NY Daily News has said, “having built his campaign on deception, [Weiner] has badly damaged the process of selecting the city’s next chief executive.”

The NY Times has said he should “take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called Weiner’s conduct “reprehensible” and “stunning” and said he “[doesn’t] have a clue.”

Democratic representative Jerrold Nadler said he thinks Weiner “needs serious psychiatric help.”

Now a member of Weiner’s own staff is abandoning him.

But Anthony Weiner, purveyor of the great “I was hacked” lie, presses on.

Tags: Anthony Weiner