Zimmerman Trial LIVE – Jury Selection Day 9 All-Day Coverage

Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial Jury Selection live, all day. At day’s end I will post a separate wrap-up discussing what happened and implications for the case moving forward. Thanks for joining us! Check out our Day 8 end-of-day wrap-up  to see our wrap-up of the State’s voir dire of the 40 prospective jurors yesterday.  To see all of Legal Insurrection’s recent coverage of State of Florida v. Zimmerman, take a look at our previous posts.

If you’d like to have on hand our compilation of notes on each the 40 prospective jurors still in the running, go to Zimmerman Jury Selection Profiles- “Top 40″ Advanced to Next Round


Just in: Our jury will be: B29, B76, B37, B51, E6, E40 alternates are E54, B72, E13, E28. Please check back soon for a breakdown of what we know about these jurors.

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[For live-stream video without commentary, see NBC live feed at bottom of this post.]

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Thursday, June 20 Commentary

Today the defense gets its turn for full voir dire of the “top 40” prospective jurors who were selected yesterday to advance to the next round of jury selection. The “lucky winners” are:

B7, B12, B29, B35, B37, B51, B61, B72, B76, B86, E6, E13, E22, E28, E40, E54, E73, G14, G29, G47, G63, G66, G81, H6, H7, H18, H29, H35, H69, H81, H86, I5, I19, I24, I33, I44, K80, K95, M75, P67

We’ve pulled together a compilation of our notes on these prospective jurors here: Zimmerman Jury Selection Profiles- “Top 40″ Advanced to Next Round.

Incidentally, if you’ve never had the opportunity to see an juror questionnaire, as referenced so many times in voir dire during the last week, I’ve made a sample questionnaire available at my Law of Self Defense blog post:  Zimmerman Trial: Never seen a juror questionnaire? Here you go . . .

We also anticipate the return of State expert witness Tom Owens today at 2:00PM, to testify further on his analysis of background screams in the Witness #11 911 call. Mr. Ownens, you may recall, was the State’s speech expert who previously characterized the audio recording as “not really good evidence.”   This is part of an as yet incomplete Frye hearing on whether Mr. Owens’ and other state audio expert can testify at trial.  And, in the context of the Frye meeting, we have yesterday’s unofficial “comment of the day”:


I expect Mr. Owens may experience a grilling, indeed.


Andrew F. Branca is an MA lawyer and author of the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense” which shows you how to successfully fight the 20-to-life legal battle everyone faces after defending themselves (second edition shipping in June – save 30% and pre-order TODAY!).  Many thanks to the Professor for the invitation to guest-blog on the Zimmerman trial here on Legal Insurrection!

Tags: George Zimmerman, George Zimmerman Trial, Trayvon Martin