Wag The IRS Scandal

The most potent electoral issue of all is all but gone from the mainstream media.

CNN, GOP tries to keep focus on IRS targeting scandal:

Remember the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups?It was the scandal du jour in Washington last month, now relegated to back-burner status after recent revelations of a vast government electronic surveillance apparatus created in the name of national security following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.The announcement Thursday by the Obama administration that it would boost aid to Syria rebels because government forces there used chemical weapons further shifted attention away from the IRS controversy involving extra scrutiny given conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

Washington Times, What IRS scandal? Broadcast news covered it only ONCE this week

When news broke that the IRS had targeted conservative groups, the “Big  Three” broadcast networks were hot on the trail. NBC, CBS and ABC ran 96 stories  about the matter for the first two weeks – May 10 through 23, according to an  analysis released Thursday by the Media Research   Center. Thirty one more stories followed during the next week.But this week? There was only one story, which aired Tuesday on ABC.

Via Media Research Center:

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