Lasciviousness in the defense of liberty is a vice

I’m not on the “Howard Snowden is a Hero” boat.

I’m may get on board the “Edward Snowden is no hero” boat.

As this plays out, it’s not clear that Snowden has added a lot to what we already knew, as Mandy pointed out this morning, but it does cause us to focus our attention on the potential for abuse particularly in light of the IRS targeting.

I’m very suspicious of Snowden’s motives and modus operandi in conveniently dropping the bombshells at a critical time to ease Chinese cyber-espionage diplomatic problems, and then conveniently setting himself up cynically in Hong Kong, under the watchful eyes and possibly protection of Chinese intelligence services.

So I’m not accepting that Snowden is as pure as he would have us believe. But I’ll wait and see before I jump on a boat.

But, then there’s this, it can happen here:

So tell me about your medical file, Mr. and Mrs. Tea Party

Tags: Glenn Greenwald