I made the rare mistake of watching Morning Joe today.
Wendy Davis was on the show to take a “victory” lap, a word used by Joe Scarborough.
This clip was being described by Davis and all the panelists as one of the most outrageous personal attacks since forever:
Today, @GovernorPerry shamefully attacked me and my family, further exposing his belief that he knows what's best for Texas women.
— Wendy Davis (@wendydavis) June 27, 2013
It’s the meme of the day(s) (image via DaTechGuy):
Really? That’s a personal attack?
Interesting concept coming from people who universally cheer this:

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Texas has a long history of b!tches, colorful or just plain mean.
Wendy Davis made her “stand” for infanticide, and that should tell us all we need to know about those who are vaunting her.
This is more of the faux outrage that we are used to from the Collective. Perry didn’t attack her at all. He did point out how marvelously inconsistent her history and her positions are.
What does DeeDee have to do with Wendy?
Never mind. There is now a Perry video instead of a DeeDee video. There was nothing pejorative about Perry’s clip.
Because Democrats know abortion wipes out potential Deedees?
Either Wendy Davis is using Rick Perry to enhance her stature within the Democratic Party, or Rick Perry is using Wendy Davis to reignite a presidential campaign run in 2016.
Maybe both are.
Violently dismembering and decapitating preborn children is called “reproductive justice”, and Perry praising Davis for working diligently to overcome all odds to attain a prominent station in life is “an attack on me and my family”.
Just another day in the Democrat Party and lunatic leftsphere.
What a selfish woman. This isn’t about Texas women. It’s not even about women generally. It’s about humanity and behaviors which devalue it. This is about elective abortion. This is about normalizing premeditated murder without cause and without due process. This is about terminating a wholly innocent human life for money, welfare, or convenience.
Liberty is only possible for women, and men, who are capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior.
This is about sanctioned criminal behavior with consequences not constrained to its perpetrators and immediate victims.
There are at minimum two sovereign bodies involved in a pregnancy, the mother and child.
Make love, not war!
Ann Richards couldn’t hep it, she was born with bottle in her hand.
Maybe MSNBC will give her a job and get her the hell outta Texas!
Perry was dead on regarding the previous night’s goings on at the Legislature.
Only MSNBC could see the light any other way and Prof, let this be a lesson to you and you and Zip were probably the only two people in the country watching pathetic MSNBC!
Eeeeee I feel a tingling moment coming on…
I like how everyone is ignoring the part of the bill that would protect women against Gosnell like predators. Abortion is a medical procedure: why the hell does my DDS have more oversight than Planned Parenthood?
Ms. Davis has been bought and paid for by the abortion business (doing it right would lower profits – ask a MD what the costs are.) She’s a Democrat so we won’t go there. Because sexist! racist! Never mind it’s the poor she helps screw.
The following oath must have been conceived prior to progressive corruption of his society.
Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:
To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.
Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.