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My Memorial Day Tribute to Self Defense

My Memorial Day Tribute to Self Defense

As we honor fallen American heroes this Memorial Day, I would like to pause for a moment in respect for a slain British Soldier:

He was a doting dad, a rabid soccer fan and the life of any party.

But above all, Lee Rigby was a British soldier.

And a day after he was butchered on a London street — allegedly by a pair of Islamic fanatics — his heartbroken family wanted the world to know that.

British law prevented Rigby, trained in the proper and safe use of firearms, from carrying a gun that could have saved his life. And with plethora of Obama Administration scandals being revealed, it is easy to loose sight of how recently American citizens were pushing back on new and strict federal gun control proposals.

Fortunately American Shirley Roberts of Kansas City was able to exercise an entirely different form of gun control.

A group of thugs figured it would be easy to overpower one Kansas City woman. After all, her husband had just left to run an errand, leaving her all alone in the home.

They couldn’t have been more wrong.

The woman, later identified as Shirley Roberts, 52, immediately retrieved her gun after she heard someone jiggle the knob of the front door. She also witnessed two additional men heading to the back door.

Looking through the blinds, Roberts saw the men putting on gloves and preparing to force their way into her home. So she trained her firearm on the men and opened fire.

Police later arrested the three thugs, one of whom had a gunshot in the chest.

Happily, Americans can still cling to their guns. The British, on the otherhand, may be interested in Bartitsu – The Sherlock Holmes Way of Self-Defense:

When the guy swung at Mark Donnelly, his only means of defense was a black umbrella—and a foppish one at that. But, ducking under a roundhouse punch, he jabbed the pointy end of the umbrella into the attacker’s gut, stopping him cold.

Mr. Donnelly, who is 43 years old and several inches short of 6 feet tall, then straightened his waistcoat, and the two men shook hands.

The skirmish was a rare demonstration of Bartitsu, an obscure Victorian system of gentlemanly self-defense practiced by Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary detective.

Mr. Donnelly’s assailant was 42-year-old Robert Earhart, a professional stuntman in protective gear.

“Is this a good weapon?” Mr. Donnelly, clutching the umbrella, asked a crowd of several dozen here last weekend at the Steampunk World’s Fair, an annual steam-age science-fiction festival. “It is if it’s in my hands at the time of attack.”

Other items in the Bartitsu arsenal include walking sticks, top hats, snuffboxes, handkerchiefs or “any item a gentleman would have at his disposal,” says Mr. Donnelly.

In conclusion, my gratitude goes out to the American men, women, and families who paid the highest possible price for all the liberties, including those related to self-defense, that my family and I now enjoy. God bless and keep you all.


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Juba Doobai! | May 27, 2013 at 9:41 am

I take exception to your vocabulary, Leslie. Rigby was not ‘slain’ — that word puts too nice a face, sanitizes, and gives a modicum of respectability to what happened to him.

This brave soldier, son, father, husband was slaughtered, butchered in the streets by a Koran-spouting dingo, a hyena. To call him a thug is to dishonor thugs.

To Lee Rigby, gone, but not forgotten. May God’s eternal light shine on him, and may He grant Rigby rest and peace.

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to Juba Doobai!. | May 27, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    A ‘Koran spouting dingo’ – that is anti dingo . There is a famous dingo who sits on top of a piano in a pub & sings. People travel from all over the world to see him .

    They are superb creatures who have co existed with indigenous Australians for over 10,000 years.
    Hence 3 Dog Night = very cold.

    I am certain hyenas have higher personal ethics that his thing.

When I was in the army I watched a guy get the crap beat out of him by a guy with an umbrella.

letmespellitoutforyou | May 27, 2013 at 9:47 am

The reporter describes the husband as “shell-shocked.” Huh? He’s got a huge smile on his face, and looks proud as all get-out.

Umbrellas can be very useful:

Now, if we can just get a layered kevlar canopy on one..

GOD Bless Shirley and ALL the ‘Shirleys’ out there!!!!!

Here in beautiful Winter Park, Florida, our condo is secured by an S & W .22LR Revolver under the bed within easy reach; S & W .45ACP, Model 1955 revolver in desk drawer in study; Ohhhhh…and a Ruger .41Mag Revolver for back-up just in case a T-Rex psychopath comes a’calling. In my Evil Neocon RX-Lexus I keep my late Mom’s Hi-Standard .22LR 2-shot derringer in the mid-section. Yep, they encourage ALL of the above measures here in Florida. Bless Them.(-: I’m a city kid(LA most of my life)who had the good fortune of a buck hunting, jack rabbit shooting, quail hunting dad who had me in the San Gabriels shooting tin-cans from a .22LR Winchester steadied over his knee by age two. Far, far more comfortable with a pistol than I’ll ever be with one of those darned i-Thingies.

GOD Bless ALL our Fallen Heroes. God Bless ALL who serve and have served. God Bless President George W. Bush, our much missed Commander-in-Chief: Steadfast-Courageous-Word Keeper-Example to ALL and Loved & Respected by our Warriors.

I’m gonna go there.

Notice, please, the skin color on the people being interviewed. Notice that neat-as-a-pin house. Notice the the pride in that man’s voice for his wife, and notice the concern the woman voices for family and property.

That house is one like many of my family and friends. The care and concern for their own lives, the forethought, the prudence, sound so much like my family.

The Democratic Party is afraid that white Conservatives will link up with people like this, because their social and political beliefs and interests are aligned.

Juba Doobai! | May 27, 2013 at 10:51 am

How long before the British government bans umbrellas?

The sad irony is that they banned knives, and that did not help Drummer Rigby. All the Brit government policy did was make Drummer Rigby vulnerable to jackals like the ones who slaughtered him. Now, they are telling soldiers don’t wear their uniforms in public. A bloody disgrace!

Henry Hawkins | May 27, 2013 at 10:58 am

It appears the UK will serially ban every item that could conceivably be used as a weapon, right down to nail clippers, toothpicks and bottle openers, before they finally accept that the weapon itself is not the problem.

Sidewalk butchery of a soldier will not happen in the free
state of Texas. It took the British bobbies 20 minutes to respond to this barbaric crime. As you can see in the news videos there are women passing the savage on the street as he is waving his bloody hands and bloody meat cleaver. It wouldn’t take a Texas Ranger to take this animal down and not just shoot him either. Heck, there are so many gun-toting sportsman in Texas that would not wait for the law and watch a soldier being beheaded on any street. It was disgusting that Brits are so helpless due to their laws. My elders told me that their Brit relatives during WW11 begged Americans to send them some guns.
Israelis pack their guns publicly and never go anywhere alone, always at least two together in public. R.I.P. Soldier Rigby. G-d will take care of your wife and baby.
Baruk Hashem

    Ragspierre in reply to beloved2. | May 27, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    One reason that pre-WW2 revolvers…like the Single Action Army Colt…are so rare today is BECAUSE Americans responded to the call from the disarmed Brits to send them firearms when they were facing the real possibility of a Nazi invasion.

    The British government repaid us by melting them down, post war.

    And ONE really good reason that the Swiss were not invaded by the Nazis was their almost universal possession and proficiency with firearms.

    It is not insurance from risk. But it damn sure raises the ante…

      Doug Wright in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2013 at 7:46 pm

      The Swiss are now experiencing their own version of Feinstein, et al, demanding the end to private ownership of firearms. The Swiss ProTell organization is doing what it can to combat that insidious Progressive Socialist propaganda and that struggle has yet to play out.

      Still, the Swiss tradition of citizen soldier is continuing for now and for their sake, and ours, hopefully much longer.

[…] My Memorial Day Tribute to Self Defense – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. “British law prevented Rigby, trained in the proper and safe use of firearms, from carrying a gun that could have saved his life. And with plethora of Obama Administration scandals being revealed, it is easy to loose sight of how recently American citizens were pushing back on new and strict federal gun control proposals.” […]

Henry Hawkins | May 27, 2013 at 2:40 pm

I’ll briefly memorialize my father, a Scots immigrant, WWII US Marine enlistee at age 17, and career police officer. A great father, soldier, and civil servant. RIP, Dad.

Sadly, he couldn’t have protected himself if he had had his service rifle with him. The cowardly pig turds ran him down with a car from behind, before they butchered him. Yes, everyone should have the right of self defense with arms, but it doesn’t help in many cases.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Mannie. | May 27, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    Had the London hackers decided to pull a few more victims from the crowd and continue hacking – and I’m amazed they did not – someone with a concealed weapon could have stopped it, and long before the twenty minutes it took the London police to unlock their one revolver, refresh themselves with its operation, load it, and saunter down to the crime scene.

    That a concealed weapon doesn’t help in many cases is ultimately a useless observation in that one cannot know in advance which cases these will be. Some issues of common sense are so common that they are immortalized in adages passed along over the centuries, like Kafka’s “Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.” Utility defines common sense to a large degree, along with practicality. The British citizen’s salvation from powerless sheepdom seems plainly obvious from without. Brit’s might recall we Americans revolted and won our freedom with a dream, a few documents – and a shitload of weapons.

    Again in 1812. On American land. Again in 1861. We don’t think about it much, but we’re ready to do it again, should someone make it necessary. Are you ready? You’ve been disarmed and muffled. The UK has become a sheep-rendering plant. Had enough yet? At what point do you draw a line?

    Legal Concealed Weapons – They’re Good For What Ails You

      ZooMaster in reply to Henry Hawkins. | May 27, 2013 at 9:27 pm

      Precisely. Sadly, Drummer Rigby might not have survived the initial collision with the automobile. I am not aware that there has been any mention of the extent of the injuries he suffered during that collision. However, had the U.K. NOT long ago embarked on its insane gun denial policy, there might have been any number of people on that street at that time who could have come to the aid of Drummer Rigby and/or any of the others who were (inexplicably) left unscathed had they, too, been targeted for slaughter.

      The term “gun control” means any number of things. Too often ignored by the Left is that it means “putting the round where it needs to go to defend one’s life or that of another.” The question the Left needs to ask itself is whether the U.K. and the USA are so insulated from danger, whether from within or without, that the Left can justify asking us to give up our God-given (not government-given) rights to protect ourselves and our countrymen. They would likely choke on their own hatred rather than admit that the only answer can be “NO!”

        BannedbytheGuardian in reply to ZooMaster. | May 27, 2013 at 11:49 pm

        Unfortunately the political / cultural persuasion of the onlookers may have been sympathetic to the attackers.

        There is no evidence to put them in the good column.

        Them being armed may not have helped at all.

BannedbytheGuardian | May 27, 2013 at 8:28 pm

I personally do not understand why British police are not armed . Therefore I have problems with this attack & reaction .

The conservative government hates the military & has sought to gut & destroy historic units. The people have nowhere to turn.

May bagpipes greet him in heaven, rest his soul in peace and Divine protection upon his family.

A curse upon those who seek to prevent selfdefense, and a blessing upon thosewho fight for self defense rights where-ever they are. Let the former know poverty and the latter know prosperity.

British Police are not armed because guns have been so vilified that even a trained officer with a gun upsets the citizens.

    Oh.. and the government wanted to make the argument that… even police don’t need guns.. so subjects absolutely do not need guns.

      Doug Wright in reply to DooDooEcon. | May 28, 2013 at 12:22 am

      Ah yes, the crux of the matter! The Brits are subjects of a demanding, government headed by a adorable figurehead of a monarchy!

      Somehow the idea of being the subject of any monarch seem abhorrent.

      Being a free citizen of this Republic is so much better and damn to hell those who would try to make us subjects of an even a benevolent leader!

      George III learned the hard way back then so many years ago and even after a second try, didn’t learn his lesson. Still, that government must have finally realized the futility of even trying again.