Holder ain’t heavy, he’s “the Moses of our time”

It’s always interesting to watch the contortionists at MSNBC when it comes to defending the actions of the Obama administration.

Mediaite has posted video of a segment from Martin Bashir’s program, in which a panel discusses the language used in the FBI affidavit pertaining to FOX News reporter James Rosen’s alleged role in a State Department leak – it’s a must-see video.

In it, MSNBC contributor and Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson dismisses the notion that any outcry about the language is justified and he calls Eric Holder the “Moses of our time.”

Noah Rothman writes:

Dyson opened the segment by insisting that Fox News Channel journalist James Rosen, whose movements were tracked, his phone records and those of his parents logged, and his personal emails searched by the DOJ, is no victim. “You can be a co-conspirator without being a target of investigation,” Dyson said.MSNBC host Martin Bashir erupted at this notion, exclaiming how it has “stripped bare” the claims of some who have said that the Justice Department investigating Rosen as a willing conspirator in an effort to violate the Espionage Act was slightly heavy-handed. […]Later in the segment, asked by Bashir if Holder should resign as attorney general, Dyson agreed that he should step down… “off of that plateau where he resides in high principle, and whip some heads.”Zing!“What he should understand is that he is the chief lawgiver of the United States of America, so to speak – he’s the Moses of our time, and at least for this administration,” Dyson continued.

But Dyson’s claim simply doesn’t hold up against what is actually written in the the FBI affidavit.

Thursday evening on The O’Reilly Factor, Megyn Kelly pointed out that the lesser noticed paragraph #45 from the affidavit asserted actual liability on Rosen’s part, which is a step further than just naming him as a co-conspirator.

Because of the reporter’s own potential criminal liability in this matter, we believe that requesting the voluntary production of the materials from reporter would be futile…  (emphasis added)

This is in stark contrast with the “Holder is the Moses of our time” portrait painted by Dyson, and it seems to me that outcry about the language used in the affidavit is justified.