New MTV series about sperm donor kids “redefining family”

Last year at liberal conference Netroots, Darcy Burner, the woman who introduced Elizabeth Warren, reminded the audience of the cultural power the left has at its fingertips. She said to the audience (start at 16:50):

That is cultural change. Because television has given us — now everyone has a gay best friend whether they actually do or not. We’ve changed the stories in people’s heads, and that has changed what is possible.

Burner’s quote came to mind this morning when i read the headline about MTV’s latest television series, “Generation Cryo,” which depicts the lives of a series of children fathered by the same sperm donor as they try to locate him. A post about the series on MTV’s website says:

“Cryo” is a look at the issues faced by a new generation of kids coming of age who were conceived via anonymous sperm donors and are redefining what it means to be a family.

Rather than cater to the younger demographics the network purports to serve, MTV does them the ultimate disservice by redefining and undermining those institutions that will serve them best. Meanwhile, Darcy Burner’s stated goal, to harness cultural power, marches on.

Cryo is one of three new series the network is planning.