MSNBC — Maybe Rap Music made Boston Bomber #1 do it

I’m trying to document the various excuses explanations being cast about by the media in an attempt to deflect attention from the obvious cause of the Boston Marathon bombing. Maybe it wasn’t the boxing after all.Might have been Rap Music (Maddow Show via Newsbusters)

An angry and violent jihadist who also loves rap — gee, who could see that one coming?As part of MSNBC’s ardent efforts over the weekend to downplay any possible connection between the religion that can’t be named and the Boston Marathon bombings, Rachel Maddow spoke with Georgetown University professor Charles King, author of “The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus.”So much more than radical Islam may have played a role in motivating the Tsarnaev brothers, King suggested —

MADDOW: A lot of people are trying to figure out if these men, uh, were terrorists who were radicalized overseas, if they were terrorists who were radicalized here, if this was totally unrelated to terrorist and, to terrorist causes. Do you think there will be a definitive answer with regard to their Chechen heritage in terms of whether that’s relevant and explanatory here?KING: Well, I think it’s relevant to a degree. That is to say that, these guys grew up in a particular kind of community with a particular kind of history. They had a certain kind of background, but at the end of the day if we’re looking for motivation for this particular act, I think it’s going to lie in the way that they were radicalized in the United States, on the Internet, visiting chat rooms, putting their own kind of lives into some kind of narrative about this nihilistic, millenarian, sort of anti-Western, anti-modern, uh, jihadist ideology that you find in lots of different kinds of communities around the world.MADDOW (quickly jumping to accused jihadists’ defense): If they, if they did.KING: If they did. We still don’t know.MADDOW: We have some evidence of a YouTube page that we think may connect to the older brother that posted some radicalized YouTube clips. The younger brother, there’s very thin evidence of anything.KING: Well, and keep in mind that on his, on the elder brother’s, Tamerlan’s YouTube channel, there are an equal number of rap videos.MADDOW (her spirit briefly lifted): Yeah.

Tags: Boston Marathon Bombing, MSNBC, Terrorism