Help me find Media Matters’ apology to Andrew Breitbart on Pigford

I don’t claim to be real good with the computer and the internet.  So it is entirely possible that I missed Media Matters’ mea culpa and apology now that even the NY Times has vindicated Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford fraud.

Please help me find Media Matters’ apology.

I searched the Media Matters’ website for all articles which included the term “Pigford” and it returned 33 results, many of which are listed below.  But there was no result since the NY Times article.

I also searched the term “Breitbart” and it returned 1607 results, but nothing since the NY Times article about Pigford.

When Andrew Breitbart died, Eric Boehlert, the lead blogger at Media Matters — to his credit — had a very classy response unlike so many others in the left-blogosphere.

Now would be a good time for another classy response … an apology.

But I may have missed it.  So please help me find it.

Here’s a sampling of prior Media Matters articles on Pigford:

Tags: Andrew Breitbart, Media Matters