EU Foreign Policy Chief says nuke talks with Iran have failed

Via BBC:

Talks between world powers and Iran on its nuclear programme have ended without agreement, with the EU saying their positions “remain far apart”.

Over two days of talks in Almaty, Iran was asked to give up work on its most sensitive nuclear activities in return for an easing of sanctions.EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton confirmed no deal was reached….”It became clear that the positions… remain far apart on the substance,” Baroness Ashton told reporters on Saturday.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov confirmed there had been a “lack of results”.”Unfortunately we were unable to achieve a breakthrough and are still on the threshold,” he was quoted as saying by Russia’s Interfax news agency.According to AFP news agency, he also said no time or place for the next talks had yet been agreed.

This is the same charade that has been going on for years.  From the archives:

The only precondition we put on negotiations is that we will help keep the Mullahs in power in exchange for an Iranian compromise which never comes.

Tags: Iran, Obama Foreign Policy