Elizabeth Warren backtracks on story of brother living on just $13,200

Things are never simple with Elizabeth Warren.

Warren made headlines the other day when she claimed her brother lived on his social security of only $13,200 in order to score a political point.  Considering Warren’s fabulous wealth, the obvious question was why she wasn’t helping him.

Warren insists that she told the truth about her brother living on S13,200, even though she now admits that’s not true.  So confusing.

Via Fox Boston (emphasis added):

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren is drawing criticism for an e-mail she sent to  supporters Wednesday, claiming her brother, David, lives on just over $13,000  dollars a year in social security benefits. Warren  herself is worth millions.In the e-mail, Sen. Warren says she was “shocked to hear” about President  Barack Obama’s plan to cut social security benefits through what’s called a “cost of living adjustment,” or CPI.”Today my brother lives on his social security. That’s about $1,100 a month,  $13,200 a year,” the Mass. senior senator wrote.Just a few months ago, Sen. Warren bought a Washington, D.C. condo for nearly  $750,000, in addition to her home in Cambridge, valued at $1.7 million.When FOX 25 political reporter Sharman Sacchetti asked the senator if it was  true her brother doesn’t live on much, she responded “yes.”Sacchetti also asked why she doesn’t help him.”I do help him. This is a question about how much,” Sen. Warren responded.  “He was worked for 40 years and paid into this system and that’s all the money  he has to live on. And there are literally millions of people around the country  for whom that is the case.”When pressed if he really is living on that money alone, since Warren admits helping  im, she said, “Let’s be clear about this. Not everyone has a sister who can  help. This is about people who work all their lives  and all they’ve got at  the end is their social security.”   Warren says she does not regret  the wording of the e-mail.“Not at all. I told the truth,” says the senator.

Hey, while you’re at it,  how about some money for the interns, too?

Tags: Elizabeth Warren