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That broad, (Pelosi), would be incapable of solving a 2+2 equation and the anointed one ain’t far behind…
Most of the legislation that Democrats desire is centered on hyperbolic loss aversion. Democrats act with overkill almost every time. And MSM messaging aids and abets the loss aversion fear in hopes of invoking political mandates to control others and to avoid loss. Both groups fail to see the big picture and therefore use narrow framing to win their arguments.
This type of “Stage One” thing as has been described by Thomas Sowell passes legislation and then forgets or ignores or patches all of the intended consequences which stream from such a short-sight decision.
In terms of Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” I would say that Democrats act out of WYSIATI (What You See Is All There Is – the brain’s “System 1” type of thinking) impulses that never go further into “System 2” thinking where true deliberation is made. Instead they focus their attention on the initial fear and loss avoidance emotions. Obama thrives on this kind of fear-mongering to get his way.
As a consequnece more people will be hurt and lose out because of Obamacare and by any strict gun control passed than will be helped. Life is a risk and the liberty to live that risk does matter regardless of what Democrats pander as their re-election hype.
Read unintended consequences and not “intended consequences.” That is what I intended to write.
Obamacare – The Train Wreck” is coming to a town near you.
RE: “Most of the legislation that Democrats desire is centered on hyperbolic loss aversion. Democrats act with overkill almost every time. And MSM messaging aids and abets the loss aversion fear in hopes of invoking political mandates to control others and to avoid loss. Both groups fail to see the big picture and therefore use narrow framing to win their arguments.”
Sally, does Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” quote the several studies that show “risk adverse” people make much, much worse decisions on average than do “risk takers?”
I’m going to use the LegalInsurrection “Search Amazon and Buy” function to check out Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” right now.
Thank you for that info about the book! It sounds good!
Superb cartoon and extremely apt observation too! Well done!
Hear, hear!
That is an awesome cartoon.
Especially like the time bomb.
Let’s hope the bomb squad disarms it, before it explodes.
Good one!
Sometimes you swing and miss (who doesn’t?), but your batting average keeps climbing.
Keep on keeping on.
I think of the word complicit
whenever I hear Dems go
“Doh! What’s in it?”
Same goes for Repubs too!
[…] Coincidentally, today’s political cartoon from A.F. Branco relays a similar sentiment (via Legal Insurrection): […]
[…] » Branco Cartoon – Obama’s Cube – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
[…] Coincidentally, today’s political cartoon from A.F. Branco relays a similar sentiment (via Legal Insurrection): […]
[…] Coincidentally, today’s political cartoon from A.F. Branco relays a similar sentiment (via Legal Insurrection): […]
Chrissy always acted as if he were an “egg head”. He didn’t know how right he was.