Boston lock-down exposes gun culture divide

Most Americans believe that having a gun in the home makes you safer:

A Washington Post-ABC News poll — not a Rasmussen or some Rove outfit, but the Post and an alphabet network — finds that by a wide margin, more Americans believe that having a gun in the home makes it safer than not. It’s not even close. A majority — 51% — believe that having a gun in the home makes that home safer. Only 29% believe the opposite.

During the lock-down of Boston yesterday there was a fair amount of Twitter chatter about whether people in Boston would feel safer if Massachusetts did not have such onerous gun laws.

That set off some pretty hostile reactions.

But no reactions were more hostile than to this tweet by Arkansas state representative Nate Bell:

The tweet set off firestorm, leading Bell to delete the tweet (and hence the hundreds of negative reactions).  He later apologized.  (The apology is not deleted.)

I happened to grab the tweet and reaction before it was deleted (embedded below).  It’s worth a read to see the reactions.

One stood out for me.

It was from Gina Mosca of Boston, using the Twitter handle @GinaFly.  It too has been deleted, but I captured it as part of the full twitter stream:

Like I said, a cultural divide exposed.

Twitter _ NateBell4AR_ I Wonder How Many Boston Liberals … (1) by Legal Insurrection