“Zero Tolerance For Drones” Posted by William A. Jacobson Monday, February 11, 2013 at 07:00am 7 Comments Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit Email Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link I wonder why the owner doesn’t have that bumper sticker? Oh, right. From Max in At least they have a flag in the back window That’s saying something, for Manhattan. Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit Email Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link DONATE Donations tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 7 7 Comments Bumper Stickers Tags: Bumper Stickers
The pope has offered us resignation. How long before Vanderbilt and other American universities demand that a non-Catholic be considered for the post … in the interests of inclusion, of course?
Update: President Obama and the Pope to appear on 60 Minutes together next Sunday night.
Why 60 Minutes? Why Obama? This smells like old sardines and Limburger.
I hope the pope does a Dr. Carson on Obama.
I am ashamed to drive a VW if people with those bumperstickers think they have Fahrvergnuegen!
No Tolerance for meatheads!
They desecrate the flag by putting it on a car with all of those leftist stickers.
I liked the ones above/below the VW symbol:
“Obama Biden”
“There’s No Excuse”
Hey! There’s the “other” Kucinich voter!! I had already one here where I live.