There’s a surplus of pretty successful infographics attempting to sway audiences as to the meaning–and import–of sequestration cuts.
From political groups like Third Way and The Democratic Daily to a Quaker organization and the Cato Institute, there are common themes running through many of the depictions that attempt to both explain the term “sequestration,” while also selling a viewpoint. The infographics from those opposed to sequestration focus on what, and even more strikingly, who, will be impacted according to their points-of-view. On the other hand, an infographic from the Cato Institute focused on placing the cut amounts in perspective–and using humor.
For example, National Parks Service presents perceived impact on jobs, and converts figures into “equivalents,” saying “proposed cuts to NPS budget would be equivalent to close 200 of the smallest park units”:
The Third Way attempts to reach out across the aisle to Tea Party activists, choosing issues they think are interesting to them and applying their left-leaning ideological POV:
Democratic Daily goes straight for the jugular, illustrating the impact on children:
American Friends Service Committee (Quaker):
Safe Kids USA:
Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base Coalition makes the case that ultimately jobs and wages will be impacted:
Finally, the Cato illustrates their endorsement of cuts in military spending with a Cold-War-themed design that places levels of defense spending in perspective:
Heritage Foundation favors more traditional depictions of the numbers, but if they’re competing with what’s above, they may want to explore a different way:
While most of these infographics are executed well, only a few tug at emotions–and even fewer go beyond their “already-persuaded” audiences and seek to reach the vast middle.

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‘could’ face cuts…
‘could’ be lost…
‘could’ be kicked off…
‘could’ be eliminated…
Even with the cuts we will still spend more than last year when all is said and done. So… we absolutely can not make it on the amount of money we spent last year. Can’t be done. Really? And we’re not going to cut funding for the NEA, PBS, grants for studies that nobody wants… No, we’re going to cut real services so that people suffer as much as possible. That’s what America get’s for threatening to withhold the national checkbook. Pain. Do I have it right?
Every major law passed during this administration has been done by threatening a “crisis” if it wasn’t immediately passed.
Finally, the “crisis” will come, and people (at least those with open eyes) will see that it was all an empty threat. Finally.
Perhaps it shouldn’t be, but…
having the National Parks Service appear as its own lil’ lobby is kind of a revelation. I would have thought that having “the administration” as your hyper-lobbyist would be enough.
So each department, bureau, and “office of” will be spending our money to lobby to protect their rice-bowl.
Helluva deal…
Yeah, so while the U.S. Titanic is heading directly into the iceberg to end all icebergs Bozo-the-Bully-Pulpit is telling us that ice cubes will melt if we don’t act to save the on-board refrigerator. Sefrustration.
Seventy thousand kids will be kicked out of Head Start? Oh no! How will they ever survive without all those long-lasting educational benefits that Head Start does not provide?
Study after study has shown that Head Start is a huge waste of money. The federal government has poured tens of billions of dollars into what is essentially nothing more than a taxpayer-funded daycare service for lower-income moms.
No doubt Barry Obama wants to keep and even expand this worthless welfare program as he’s never met any welfare program he didn’t want to expand, but babysitting services are not a legitimate function of the federal government.
What? Cutting kids in two with scissors!?
Please, stop the violence! Think of the children! If only one child is saved from assault scissors, it will be worth it.
For the sarcasm impaired, yes it was.
[…] blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Sequestration […]
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